Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Green's Great Lakes & Seaway Directory, 1965, p. 89

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TABLE III--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE MICHIGAN Other tables to which 37 36 35| 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25. 24°23 22-21 . 20 19. 18) 47 16-15 14 13-12 11 10 98 <6 5 4.33 initial point No. 1 is common: : IJ--Lake Superior. ic 5 IV--Lake Lhe and 6 2 2 g 5 & 3 & & > St. Marys River. 8 3 © > © 5 e a m Voiake Hr, St. [25 » S|@ £2/¢ § &/4 68 & S$ elae H = a) 2a a2 2 e oe ha 2 Clair, 4 ee 55 4: 5 3 & = Sei i. g 2 A 3 s g o g Bd s a2 z 8 4 g ' 3 a 4 sg Niagara Rivers. Oo Ss Sie 2 bib 2812-8 tie seit te bie Se eee et Ee @ 6 8 | 6 Pl a8. : a s 3S SS m8 3 a a 5 2 a VN@getesr Ff CIPS AAS AIP SELES SiS SSE esis ee sett sae eae 1 |aOld Mackinac Point (II-IV-V-VI).. 41 55 56 97 122 142 | 150 173 184 | 213 224 238 | 257 263 281 300 325 336 | 334 333 324 | 296 282 272 | 259 237 212 | 191 187 170 161 155 198 | 155 129 7 2) Manistique...... 43 76 64 94 91110 | 118 141 152 | 182 198 207 | 225 232 250 268 294 303 | 301 298 290 | 260 244 235 | 220 195 168 | 146 142 120 | 111 103 185 | 92 66.. 3| Escanaba.............. 99 113 99 | 120 91 106 | 112 230 141 | 170 181 195 | 213 220 238 | 255 280 288 | 286 283 274 | 242 226 217 | 201 176 149 | 127 122 100 | 90 69 101 B6:55 3 ae) 4 bMenominee............ *122 *134 *119 |*188 80 86] 87 98 108 | 135 146 159 | 177 183 200 | 216 239 246 | 243 240 230 | 198 184 172 155 130 103 S17. 62 43 22 49) 5 |bGreen Bay (city)...... *165 176 160 | 178 105 111 | 112 123 134 | 159 171 184 202 209 225 | 242 264 272 | 268 265 255 | 223 209 197 | 180 155 1287) 106 10k 78: | 68 47 2 6| Sturgeon Bay (towm)...| 128 129 113 | 181 58 64 65 76 87 | 113 124 137 | 155 162 178 | 195 217 225 | 222 218 208 | 176 162 150 | 133 108 81 68) 645301 2l #1 AQOMS sone 131 135 119 | 186 59 60] 59 66 75 | 100 111 123 | 142 148 163 | 179 200 206 | 203 200 190 | 158 142 132 | 115 89 62 40°36, 120 ee 8 Kewaunee ee tes shee a 138 143 126 | 148 62 60] 58 61 70] 93 104 116 135 141 156 | 171 192 197 | 194 191 181 | 149 133 123 | 105 79 53 Oe 26. eee 91 Two Rivers. .0i.5 05: 156 159 142 | 160 75 67 62 57 61 78 89 101 | 118 123 137 | 151 170 174 | 171 168 158 | 125 109 100 | 82 55 29 Go Se ae te | 10 | Manitowoc...........< 161 163 147 | 164 79 71 66 60 64) 79 90 102 | 118 123 137 | 150 169 173 | 169 166 156 128:107 O71 70: 58 26 a el 11 Sheboygan. .........-. 180 181 165 | 182 95 83 76 60 63 68 78 87 | 102 106 118 | 130 146 149 | 146 143 132 | 99 983 74 BO WN ee eee seo ee ee ae 12, Port Washington....... 206 205 189 | 206 119 104] 98 80 76| 72 77 84 OF 97 105 | 112 124 125: | 120 E8107. | Th SS 48 20 13 Milwaukee............ 228 227 211 | 228 140 125 | 117 97 91 78 80 88 88 89 93 96 104 103 09, 06:86.) 61.63b:. 26.) ee cee |G ee 14 Rasher... 242 241 225 | 242 153 137 | 129 108 100 | 81 80 80 79 80 80] 78 84 88 18: 10.045) 80 514. Lae al ee ee 10), Kenosha. 0. a: 252 251 234 | 252 163 147 | 188 117 108 | 86 87 86] 82 82 (92k 1b. 1813 67 64 54 A ee ee ee ee | 16) Waukegan............. 266 265 249 | 266 177 160 | 152 130 122 | 100 96 93 86 84 78 (0, 64 58.) 62. 40. SB el ee 17) Chicago. . Sewer tens 294 293 276 | 293 204 186 | 179 156 146 | 120 114 108 | 95 90 77 60 38 25 MQ Dl ea i cael oe ee ee 18 South Chicago......... 802 301 285 | 302 213 196 | 188 165 154 | 127 120 114 | 100 95 79 60 33 14 I i ee re | 19 Indiana Harbor........ 804 303 287 | 304 215 198 | 189 167 156 | 129 122 115 99 95 79 59 31 138 20 Gary. aes ENE Re ES 309 308 292 809 216 199 | 191 167 157 | 129 121 114 | 99 93 77 65. 22... 21) Michigan City......... 295 294 278 | 295 206 189 | 181 157 146 | 117 108 99] 82 75 57] 36... ... EXPLANATION, QBcSt Joseph: ce 269 268 251 | 268 179 162 | 154 130 119 88 78 6 60. 4a ee 2 5 ' : P ma | Bout Haven 251 250 233 | 250 161 144 | 136 111 101 | 69 58 491 oo 22 i Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in Table I. 24 Saugatuck............. Poa ol, 21 | 232 148 126 |.118 93 8B] Bl. 40 90.1 8.2 1 Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence proceeding southward along the west shore and returning northward along the east shore. ob tole Bo Pee, 210 oer ee a |e bs For determining distances to points in other lakes, distances from all 26 Grand Haven.......... 206 20h 18) 1-906 (iy 100) 0S OF B71 86 ae Places listed in this table are given to Old Mackinac Point, and this initial 27 Muskegon............. $06 308 178 | AUB G6 80.80.5046} 1b |. ee Point also appears in each of the other tables respectively indicated by nu- meral designation. The through distance from a given point in this table to a 28 White Lake............ Wee 63 107 | 16k 5 8 6G te ee given point in any other table is the sum of the respective distances to each 29| Pentwater............. Iya Oe 180 | toa ba, AB 20) given point from Old Mackinac Point, common to the two tables. Thus, a 30/ Ludington............. ee Te through distance from a Lake Michigan point to a point in Lake Superior (table II) would be derived as follows: 31 Manistee. 6.254.805, BES yt, MOO MIR OR 0 ee le ee ee ee ae 32 Portage Lake.......... 1NQ 4007 08 0] 20 ce a a Old Mackinac Point to Racine..-........ Gee eel ee 33 Hrankfort. 22.02.5000; O82 02 3 104 Ob ee lo ee oe Old Mackinac Point to Ashland............. . 439 34) Traverse City.......... on 4... Racine to Ashldnd.. .....,3..5..4, 4.4, ah 30,| Charlevoix 3. J... 3.52, Bo 18 ee ee ee ee ee ee 66:| Petoskey... Ble ee a | el ee eee ea | a From sailing course point north of light. 37 beaver island Marbor.,) 0 6. pei eer re Ole eee ae ee rE ER eee b Distances from Menominee and Green Bay to Lake Michigan points (except those marked *) are via Sturgeon Bay Canal. * Via Rock Island Passage. TABLE IV--SAILING DISTANCES BETWEEN POINTS ON LAKE HURON AND ST. MARYS RIVER Other tables to which 36 35 34| 33 32 31 {30 29 28 | 27 26 25 | 24 23 22) 21 20. 19 | 18 We 16) 1b 14 1g ao tg ok 7 Gg oO" 4408.53 initial point Nos. 1-3 core are common: x II--Lake Superior. se S 8 & s 3 2 S I1J--Lake Michigan. = 8 eo oe 38 & oo ~ 8 eo | 8 es 2 Ss § V--Lake Erie, St. eo = 418 2. 218 See a 3 8 5 a | 2 a | @ : a aie e ; Clair, Detroit and S 4 £216 2 81a 6 ele 2 eit = = ee gle £38 2 p fs & 5 ie a fs G Niagara Rivers. $2 4s af e1e 4S e a fos at 4g 5 2 & 46 |) 5 3 2 ES 5 272 & VI--Lake Ontario & 2S £8 e fiP £ SE PEE ES Ele 2 ele eee Bee Ele Ge Ce St. Lawrence River. a = Cle S Se oe Ria se ale CATO ER AIM Gelb @ ala 2eale ee l= 6 as Ss 1 JaPort Huron (V-VI)...... *237 8237 8249 | 224 212 223) 231 228 246] 242 266 265 | 264 257 240 | 237 227 120 | 93 64 32 62 174 161 | 118 116 155 | 165 193 232 | 242 246 223 | 269 247 2 |bOld Mackinac Pt. (III)..} 69 *101 *116 | *143 *167 *196 | *205 *211 235] 231 256 255 | 254 247 230 | 227 217 189 | 192 211 215 | 186 223 210 | 163 142 115 | 83 54 18 6 45 es 3 jeSault Ste. Marie (II)....| $48 488 $106 | +131 $155 $184 | £193 £201 $242 |£238 268 267 | 266 259 242 | 239 229 207 | 213 234 238 | 208 246 232 185 165 187 | 107 84 84] 84 90 45]... ... 4) Detout. 3 6.5. css ene §24 §58 §76 |§101 §125 §154 |§163 §171 201] 198 224 222 | 221 214 197 | 194 185 162 | 168 189 193 164 201 187 | 140 120 92] 61 40 39] 39 44...]...... BI St. lenace. 366.05. 0. §68 *100 *115 | *142 *166 *195 | *204 *209 234] 231 256 254 | 252 246 229 | 227 217 191 | 194 214 216 187224 2101-163 143 115 | 83. 56. 20) 6 >.) 2. |. 6| Mackinac Island........ §63 *95 *110 | *137 *161 *190|*199 *204 229] 226 251 249 | 248 241 224 | 221 212 186 | 189 209 212 184 220 207 | 159 140 111 19. COSA er ee ee "| Cheboygan. ............ §63 *92 *106 | *133 *157 *186|*195 *197 221] 217 242 241 | 240 233 216 | 218 204 175 | 178 198 202 | 173 210 196 | 149 129 101 OO 405 hae a ee 8| Rogers.... *63 874 887 |s114 8188 157| 163 164 187] 183 208 206 | 206 199 182 | 177 169 139 | 142 161 163 | 134 171 157 | 110 90 61 Oh ee eee 91} Rockport... *79 879 892 |s119 123 136] 143 143 166] 162 187 186 | 185 178 161 | 158 148 112 | 113 132 134 | 106 142 129) 82.62 Bh a 10| Alpena....... *107 sl07 s120 |s143 1381 145] 151 152 174] 171 195 193 | 192 185 168 | 165 156 109 | 107 124 125 97 129 116 GO 40. ee a ee 11] Au Sable..... *135 8135 8148 | 158 146 160] 163 166 183] 180 204 202 | 201 189 177 | 174 165 98| 85 93 86] 58 83 69 PU eae eel ee eS Ges ea See 12 Bast Tawas............. *155 8155 8168 | 175 163 176] 180 182 199] 196 220 218 | 217 210 194 | 190 181 110] 94 95 88 GO. 6854 ee IS Bay City. 2.5. bas *202 8202 215 | 222 210 223] 228 229 245] 243 267 265 | 264 257 240 | 237 228 153 | 136 137 130 102 IS le 14 WINOW ie *216 8216 8118 | 235 223 237| 242 242 258) 256 280 278 | 278 271 254 | 250 241 167 | 149 151 144/115... ...].........]... 0.0 ] 2 Dp 15 | Harbor Beach........... *178 8178 sl191 | 171 159 171] 176 176 194] 190 214 213 | 212 205 188 | 185 175 79 OO Sl BR eo ey ee ee ee ee eee 16} Port Sanilac........... "207 8207 e210 | 197° 185 196) 201 201 219} 215 230 238 | 237 280 218: 1.210:200 97.) 70. 4%. | AT | Goderith. «21.8. S198 e198 204 | 169 150.172 |.172 474 192 189 215 211 | 210 207 187 | 983 174. 64) 86 | ee 18} Kincardine........... -\8l78 8174 174 | 141 128. 142) 119° 144 162) 158 182 181 | 180.176 150°} 168 144 30) 19} Southampton......... +: (8166 sl66° 155.|<122) 110. 123) 130: 1295 143: |140 166:162) 161 167: 187) 184.196 0 i ee i a0 idWiarton. 6 ke: 8188 158 142] 110 94 88 79 81 74) 71 76 74 18 08 BO fe 20 ee eed ee ee 21 |dOwen Sound............ BlO7 167. 152 | 119 108 (97); 97 80. 70) 70° 71. 70°} 69 46. 20 [oe ee ee ee : Disrere ee. #200 169 ie - i" a a s s . e : e 14 *Via False Detour and North Channels. Ollingwood: 4.205... s21 86 38 120 108! 107 97 80) 76 57 55) 54... ... Via Missi : Strait and North Chancel 24 |dP ishene........ 172 120 106] 104 04-72] 79 12 10)... 5, 3 OO ee ne ere a ee hencgsn mete oqeaticne Se {Via Hay Lake, St. Joseph, and North Channels. 25 |dMidland,,......2..:... 62200 18821781 140 120 1071108 95° 78): 70. 7 a, §Via Potagannissing Bay and North Channel. 2 os Harbor. 6.0250. 8227 190 174] 142 122 os oy 7 " Chee es lepot Harbor. 2.6 23:5. 193 155 140] 107 87 7 a 82. 2B ee EXPLANATION. 28 |dParry Sound............ Me ae : : oF 29 oe: ee i Les i oy Hs 5 COO BEN ee a ee a Explanation generally applicable to all tables is published in Table I. 30 |dKey Harbor........... ER 1102 04 Oo) a 20 ee a ee oe, Points in this table are arranged in geographical sequence proceeding from St. pat soa vek Marys River ponhwart Mong ~~ west engl al aes Pais a up the east 31 Wares 6 1800 101 86 | 66 88 oe oe ed ae, ee eee shore around Georgian Bay, and westward throug ort annel. 32 one ever we we 7 . A ee For determining distances to points located in other lakes, distances from all 33 | Little Current.......... 86 48 33 eee places listed in this table are given to the initial points Nos. 1 to 3, which also appear Seen oe in the other tables respectively indicated by numeral designation. The through dis- 34 | Gore Bay. . Ol ee ae ee tance from a given point in this table to a given point in any other table is the sum 35| Algoma Mills... |. Be a ee at of the respective distances to each given point from the initial point which is common I to the two tables. From Fort Gratiot range. : From sailing course point north of light. ¢ From abreast east end of U. S. center pier, and (except those marked t) via Middle Neebish and Detour; distances downbound through West Neebish are 1 mile less. d Distances to Georgian Bay ports (except those marked *, +, t, §) are via the bay entrance from Lake Huron and St. Marys River points and via Little Current from North Channel points, 89

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