Maritime History of the Great Lakes

First Rate-Card in Lake Freights: Schooner Days MCCLXXII (1272)

Toronto Telegram (Toronto, ON), 9 Jun 1956
Full Text
First Rate-Card in Lake Freights
Schooner Days MCCLXXII(1272)

by C. H. J. Snider

The NANCY's Story - 10

ONE date given for the launching of the Nancy is Sept. 24, 1789, another sometime in November of that year. It doesn't matter now, seeing that she died bravely 142 year ago and still lives in the hearts of red-blooded Canadians of whatever racial origin.

But it is indicative of the leisurely procedure of the pioneers - perhaps an enforced leisure, for they were more industrious than we are - that it was the following year before her owners, Forsyth Richardson and Co., of Montreal, began looking for business for her. They had their own, the fur trade, for which they had built her, but there was more for her to do than carry station post supplies and pick up fur packs.

In January 1790, there appeared this advertisement in Detroit (still at the time a British post) the advertisers being Leith and Shepherd, apparently the resident agents for the Montreal firm.


"LEITH AND SHEPARD hereby give notice to the public, that the New Schooner the Nancy, launched laft November, will ply the enfuing feafon between Detroit and Fort Eire, and occasionally go to Michilimackinac when freight prefents.--That no mifappreshenfion may arife refpecting the mode of afcertaining the bulkage, it is fubjoined—The rate of freight over Lake Erie will be fifteen Shillings New York Currency, for a barrel bulk; and two shillings New York Currency, or one Shilling and three pence Quebec, per cubic or folid foot, for goods to be eftimted by meafurement.-- Freight from Detroit to Micilimackinac at the rate of four Shillings New York Currency, or two Shillings, and fix pence Quebec Currency, for a bufhel of Corn; and fix Shillings New York or three Shillings and nine pence Quebec Currency, for a quintal of Flour. Others goods the fame as over Lake Erie. - Packs over each Lake, not meafuring more than five feet, or exceeding 120 lbs. in weight four Shillings New York Currency, or two Shillings and fix pence Quebec Currency, per pack.

As this Veffel is conftructed for faft failing, and will be moft complete is every refpect; the fafety and expedition attending Tranfport in her muft be obvious.

"SCHEDULE OF Package computable by Barrel Bulk

¨Barrel Bulk
Puncheons not exceeding 120 gallons3 1/2
Porter Hogfheads2
Wine ditto2
Cafks and Barrels of 32 or not exceeding 36 gallons1
Soap 3 boxes of 1 Cwt. Each1
Candles 5 ditto of 50 lbs each1
Shot 3 ditto of 1 Cwt. each1
Iron in Bars, 3 CWT1
Do. in sheets1
Stoves, single1
Do. double2
Gunpowder 2 whole barrels 100 lbs each1
Barrels of Pork ordinary fize 4 Barrels for3
Kegs of 8 to 9 gallons for Kegs1
Oil in Jars of 3 1/2 gallons 6 jars1
Paint in Rundlets 8 to 28 lbs. Each1

All other goods to be meafured and reduced to Cubic or Solid feet.


Detroit,26th January, 1790"

John Richardson placed the Nancy's carrying capacity at 350 barrels, which probably meant barrel- bulk. This would give her £262 10s for each Lake Erie or Lake Huron voyage with a full cargo. When the Northwest Company received £500 - years after the services rendered - for two round-trip voyages of the Nancy from Detroit to Fort Erie carrying Brock's troops and stores and munitions in 1812 -- they were certainly not profiteering.

Snider, C. H. J.
Media Type
Item Type
Note: It is the consistent policy of this site to transcribe the long "S" (ſ) as an "s". To use an "F" for which Snider makes excuses in the next column is unfortunate as it inhibits effective keyword searching, and is, frankly, a deliberate misspelling of every word thus rendered.
Date of Publication
9 Jun 1956
Language of Item
Geographic Coverage
  • Michigan, United States
    Latitude: 42.33143 Longitude: -83.04575
  • Ontario, Canada
    Latitude: 42.90012 Longitude: -78.93286
  • Michigan, United States
    Latitude: 45.84918 Longitude: -84.61893
Richard Palmer
Creative Commons licence
Attribution only [more details]
Copyright Statement
Public domain: Copyright has expired according to the applicable Canadian or American laws. No restrictions on use.
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First Rate-Card in Lake Freights: Schooner Days MCCLXXII (1272)