10 . THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1915 SHEET PACKING There are many kinds 4 of sheet packing. P Some kinds give service for but a short time. These, regardless of cost, are expensive. ADOPTED BY U. S. GOVERNMENT Other kinds give long service—profitable service. . These, 1f bought at a reasonable price,.are economical. N.B.O. Sheet Packing is the Economical kind of sheet packing. It is the “cheapest per year” sold, because it gives you the most service for your money. “N. B. O.” is unequaled as a joint, packing, not only on steam lines, but also on ammonia, gas, oil and alkali. We'll be glad to send you a sample piece large WROUGHT STEEL MARINE BOILER enough for you to give it a satisfactory trial. ALL NIPPLE CONNECTIONS ELIMINATED THE CHAS. WARD ENGINEERING WORKS CHARLESTON, WEST VIRGINIA HomeE RUBBER ( ‘oO. MARINE ENGINES RIVER STEAMERS TRENTON, N. J. Nea Write today tor our illustrated catalog Commercial Boiler Works Manufacturers and Repairers of Boilers Marine Work a Specialty All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work SEATTLE U.S. A. ‘“‘CASCADE”’ BOILER CIRCULATOR AND FUEL ECONOMIZER SAVED SOME FUEL Capt. W. C. Richardson of Cleveland re- ports:—‘‘The Steamer ‘‘David Z. Norton’’’ in 1913 burned 4,600 tons of fuel. In 1914 she burned 3,600 tons or about 1,000 tons less in 1914 than in 1913. This shows that your Circulators saved the ‘‘Norton’’ some fuel. The same applies to the Steamer “L. B. Miller” and the Steamer ‘“‘C. R. Hubbard’’. The boats did not run as many miles in 1914 as in 1913 but you can SAFELY say there was a saving of 600 tons on each vessel.’’ Capt. Wm. Smith of Steamer ‘Harvester’ reports:—‘‘Your Circulators have created a LARGE SAVING IN FUEL, for twenty-five trips in 1913 we consumed 6,245 tons and for twenty-five trips in 1914 we consumed 5,625 tons.”’ We have many other reports similar to above. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water ‘Tube Boilers for all types of oy “as : = 5! > CAN YOU AFFORD TO NEGLECT THIS? vessels Write at once ut Mh di F | fete ee ~—SsC Providence, R. I. : THE McNAB CO., _ Bridgeport, Conn. al U.S.A CATALOGUE FREE Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers