February, 1915 WILL Hose Ice machines Indicators, engine and direction Kitchen utensils Ladders Lamps Launches Life boats Life gun Life preservers Linen Logs, ship Lubricating boxes Lubricators Lumber Medicines Metallic Packing Mirrors Mooring machines Nails Nautical instruments Nozzles Nuts, bolts, etc. Oakum Oils and grease Packing Paint materials Pillows Pipe THE MARINE REVIEW SPENT Fitting-Out Number BE Pipe and tubing, brass and iron Pipe covering Pipe fittings Pitch Plates Plumbing materials Pressure regulators Printing Propellers Propeller thrusts Pumps Radiators Recording compasse;3 Reduction gears Releasing hooks Rivets Rope, wire and Manila Rubber packing Rudder indicators Running lights Screws Searchlights Shackles and thimbles Shafting Shapes Sheet iron Sheet lead and pipe Signals Silver and cutlery Spars @ An advertisement in the Ship Building and Fitting-Out Number will go straight to the mark because it cannot fail to reach the buyer. taps the mother lode Advertising Rates in Ship Building and Fitting-Out Number i Full Page - Half Page - $60.00 Quarter Page 35.00 Eighth Page $20.00 12.00 21 Speaking tubes Springs Staybolts Steering engines Storm oil Stoves Superheaters Switchboards Tallow Tanks Telegraphs Telephones Thermit Thimbles and shackles Tools Tubing and pipe, brass and iron Turbines Unions Upholstery Valves Ventilating sets Welding Whistles Windlasses Wire Wire rope Wire work Wrenches, ratchet Yarn Zinc Advertising Manager, Marine Review Cleveland, O. Please enter my order for....... page in the Ship Building and Fitting-Out Number. ee ee a Cyn ee er ee ee ee Se eT ee ee ee ES ER A LL ene a re tne nn a RR ET RT