38 , THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1915 Yq The New Battleship ‘“Texas” recently completed ; { a e ° e ay for the United States ‘Navy, is equipped with. ‘ i Steam Windlass, Steam Steering Engine and Screw Gear} ‘ie. Electric Capstan, Electric Winch and/Ash Hoist {Engines | Steam ‘Coaling Winches | Manufactured By ? ade ou" 4 HYDE WINDLASS. COMPANY ) BATH, MAINE a This Company also furnished Windlasses, Steering Gears and other Auxiliaries for the Battleships ‘‘Moreno’’ and ‘‘Rivadavia’’, constructed in this country for the Argentine Republic. q ’ I Selling Co-operation ‘ Means SUCCESS! ‘ q ; sens No other 800,000 rel @ To conduct a live publicity INJECTOR basin ‘i ibs 1 1 on the testify b < campaign in a trade paper that eS me t in covers the field like The Marine so simple, "merits. . {t ° : : reliable sti WORLD’S ' Review is to give your sales force or durable. STANDARD. , , the greatest co-operation pos- aie Penberthy Automagc i absolutely so, a a sible — and at an extremely low ideal Injectqr fer Meariae eh ay es ) cost. “XL--96” EJECTOR | @ Make 1915 your banner year | a a —an ad in this publication will | [| ‘alli [Es 606 OD a enable you to do so as the result C ii ‘ _ On account of th t 1 ti d le of concentrated effort. power of ‘the XL 96" wig. baer we x : mum amount of steam, it is at its best rag. q Write today for rates. when replacing the bilge pump. \ G Our No. 26 catalog tells of these. “iv g > ft Write for it—Now. Va iz P CEVIEW Penberthy Injector Co. i ‘ D, OHIO 5 DETROIT, MICH. > a iG ’ TE Canadian Factory—Windsor, Ont. | *~ yy} 7 Q Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers a | "| a \