THE MARINE REVIEW 13 U. S.Se ?DEAIE,” U: 8. N. Whose Boilers are Equipped with Six Fully protected by U. S. and foreign patents And the ‘‘Dixie’”’ is but one of many Eckliff- equipped U.S. Government Boats. Before these installations were authorized, our Circulators were put to the test; they were subjected to rigid and exacting trials—and they made good our every claim. “Watch the Thermomet Eckliff Automatic Boiler Circulators des ee A Trial of the Eckliff in One of Your Boilers will Make You Some Money We mean just that. You’ll make substantial Photo by Dawson 189 Eckliff Automatic Boiler Circulator Company New York, 33 Broadway 54 Shelby St., Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. Philadelphia, Bullitt Bldg fuel savings during the trial—and we’ll make the installation without a dollar’s expense or the least obligation on your part. Remember—you assume absolutely no risk. The savings are guaranteed. Get in touch with us right now and put in that trial installation. Send for the Booklet Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers