26 THE MARINE REVIEW _ 1915 Sheritts’ team Steerer Valk & Murdoch Company Charleston, S. C. FOR TUG BOAT USE Easy to adjust, and can be handled by any one. Marine Railway Machine and Boiler Shops MANUFACTURED BY Sheriffs Mf g. Co. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Established. 1854 Forgings and Castings Steam Boat Repairs LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS BUFFALO, N. Y. Cheapest oe arine Power Use gas made from coal, coke or charcoal in your engine THE CHASE MACHINE C03: It is as cheap as gasoline at 2c. a gallon; 4 to 1-12 the expense of power from ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS steam or oil. We build sizes from 18 ‘ H.P.up. Widely used for years in tow Mooring Machines, Deck Winches, boats, freight boats, fishing boats, << * sam Steam Capstans Etc., Etc pleasure boats: and other craft. Lae , 2 °3 2 1 307 Atlantic Ave. Address 2313 Elm St. N. W. Cleveland, Ohio A. L. GALUSHA & CO. sosvon, MASS., U-'s. A. Brilliant and steady Ae illumination ~ ie AX” Economical and . . reliable in CONTINUOUSLY : from 80 to 35 days and nights without attention and can be seen at a distance of six miles. Over 2,200 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. — Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian and United States Light House Depart- ments for Channel and Harbor Lighting. Controlled by the SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY 2 Rector Street, New York Chicago Philadelphia St. Louis San Francisco, Cal, Boston Washington; D.C, Montreal Dae eis Masa AN Dig kori oF pe ‘ Please mention Tue Marne Review when writing to Advertisers