March, 1915 PHE MARINE REVIEW 31 | Willoughby’s Patent Furnace Equipment Shaking Grates 7 No Cleaning or Slicing. of Fires No Black Smoke From Funnel @ 50% return on the investment guaran- teed. € Worth investigating. WRITE AT ONCE TO St. John Grate Bar Co. BOURSE PHILADELPHIA, ahs and mention where you saw_the ad— they have to live, too. LE P.P. bit MARINE GLUE THE PURPOSES FOR: WHICH Tee VARIOUS GRADES ARE INTENDED aii 9 For Deck and Hull Seams of Yachts and Motor Boats —USE— No. 1, Extra Quality Black, white, yellow or ma- hogany color. Give black the preference; it is more elastic and satisfactory in every way. Specified by all first-class designers, and used exclusively by all the prominent builders. For Waterproofing Canvas, for Covering Decks, Tops of Cabins, Canvas Boats, Canoes —USE— No. 7, Soft Quality Black, white or yellow. It not only waterproofs and pre- serves the canvas but attaches it to the wood and with a coat of paint once a year will. last as long as the boat. Waterproof Liquid Glue is used for the same purposes as No. 7, Soft Quality. It is ready for use and requires no heating; simply open the can and paint it on, like ready-mixed paint. Especially recommended for waterproofing the canvas cover- ing of flying boats, and for wing surfaces. This glue will also attach canvas, cork, felt, rubber, leather and linoleum to iron, steel or wood. ‘article Special Marine Canoe Glue Best Filler for Canvas, Black, White and Yellow. Our 25c emergency cans made a big hit. Every canoe- ist should carry one; it is as valuable to him as a repair kit to a bicyclist or an automobilist. It is a Johnnie-on-the-Spot that no boat man should be without. Sent by mail on receipt of 30 cents in stamps. . All put in 1, 2, 3 and 5-lb. cans; also 14, 28, No. 2, First Quality Ship Glue 56, 112-lb. boxes, either tin or wood. For Ship's Decks Use No. 3, Special Navy Glue Insist on having the RIGHT kind if you hope to obtain Satisfactory Results. ’ The largest dealer in your town carries this in stock; if not, he should. ‘Tell him to write us for the agency. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE For Sale by all Yacht, Boat and Canoe Supply Houses and Sporting Goods Dealers. Send for booklet ‘‘Marine Glue, What to Use and How to Use It.”’ L. W. Ferdinand ¢& Co., 201 South St., Boston, Mass., U.S. A. Ashton Highest Grade POP SAFETY VALVES AND STEAM GAGES Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Satisfaction Special Features in Valves Outside Pop Regulation, Cam Lever Attachment, Jessop Steel Spring, Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements, Accurately Graduated Dials, Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY 271 Franklin St. - BOSTON, MASS. New York Philadelphia Feed -Water Filters will keep oil out of your boiler They Have No Equal Write for list of users Ross Valve Mfg. Co. Troy, N. Y. Branches: Chicago S.n Francisco Please mention THE Martine Review when writing to Advertisers