March, 1915 THE MARINE REVIEW 33 The *‘SUnderwriter’’ Pivot-Balance Hatch Cover. The Sea Cannot Rip Them Up or Break Them Down. Latest Type of Steel Hatch-cover—An Insurance Against Disaster through Weak Hatch-fittings. Applicable to all ships. Designed to operate in one single section or in series: according to available space between coamings and their height above the deck-line. Operates without Tackle or Winches. Battens securely without Canvas Flaps, Hatch-Bars, Battening-Lugs or Wedges. Upkeep expense eliminated. Six seamen can, with ease, ‘Trundle’ Thirty (30) of these Hatch-cover Sec- tions into place and securely batten them in half an hour. Their removal requires even less time. The Acme of Simplicity. Unlimited Tandem Operation. he Maximum of Strength and Security. By all odds the Best—By long odds the Cheapest. Light as can be—Strong to all necessity. ' Special low rate introductory Royalties to Ship-Owners, Ship Yards and Repair Plants. Correspondence Solicited Address, (Captain) Arthur N. McGray, 119 West 71st Street, New York, N.Y. NICHOLSON SHIP LOGS Far in advance of all other types The Nicholson Record- BARTON ing Ship Log has recently THE STEAMBOAT TRAP ' Listing of ship does not affect its operation. It cannot freeze or been installed on the lake become air bound. It keeps pipe lines free from water and contrac- bulk freigh ters Samuel tion, sepa pepe poe paree It. mses ay heaters ae te oes > away with cylinder cocks on deck engines. It does its work regardless Mather (big) and W. Ele a any i eae More alae rey is eupeeret gaeretien on cape oats. arton Traps are dividend makers. arton Trap installed - Crawford. The more ne a Aa on eae BU sath the question of their economy. senger steamers Nort ene cae Or Gea riat. Neen ond Baath AUTOMATIC STEAM TRAP & SPECIALTY CO. : 318 Harper Ave., Detroit, Mich. American have also been equipped with it. One has also been put aboard the American cup de- fender Vanitie and orders have just been received for logs for Galatea II owned by E. L. Ford of F igi@ “el Detroit, and Aquilo ee ae owned by B. T. Rogers, vane Vancouver, B. C. ‘Write for Catalogue The Nicholson Record- ing Ship Log gives the mileage sailed and shows the exact speed per hour on a dial, recording it on a chart for every minute of the trip. NICHOLSON SHIP LOG CO. Cleveland, O. Sheath Screw Davit Simplest, lightest, strongest, least expensive and most reliable me- chanically operated -boat davit. Already in service to the number of over one hundred and fifty sets, and more building all the time. For further information ADDRESS H. F. NORTON Newport News, Va. The Allen Dense-Air Ice Machine contains no chemicals. It is placed in the engine room, while. the ice-making box and meat rooms are at distant places of the steamer. Reilly Marine Specialties Multicoil Evaporators and 1 Feed Water Heaters, Fuel Oil | Heaters and.Multiscreen Feed Water Filters and Grease Ex- tractors are specially designed to meet the severe requirements of marine B y Over two hundred in daily service in the tropics on men-of- war, steam : yachts and Service. WRITE FOR BULLETINS Pca aie THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL COMPANY steamers. he Gri -Spencer Co., The Russell Engine Co. Successor a7 the ane) Reilly Repair & Supply Co. H B ROELKER Designer and Manufac- Engineers—LAND AND MARINE—Manufacturers e e 9 turer Screw Propellers : West St. Building, NEW YORK 41 Maiden Lane NEW YORK Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers