March, 1915 Hollow Threaded ue sa B\N0) NSW \\ yam ual L Weare My e Ly Fully comply with the Federal Inspection Law, save the cost of drill- ing and breakage of drills. The hole is rolled absolutely in the center. They inspect automatically at both ends, and the air admitted into the firebox through Hollow Stays greatly improves combustion. QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Write us for prices FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT COMPANY CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO H. G. Trout Company King Iron Works BUFFALO, N.Y. Manufacturers of High Grade PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines Brass and Iron Casting Large variety of Grate Bars in stock Write for particulars and testimonials. Fore River Ship Building Corporation QUINCY, MASS. SHIPBUILDERS and ENGINEERS Brass Founders Machinists Galvanizers Curtis Marine Turbines Yarrow Watertube Boilers The Electric Rudder or Helm Angle Indicator Placed in pilot house or on bridge in front of quartermaster, allows him . to observe the position of the rudder " PATENTED the same as he does the compass. Can be in- stalled on vessels with or without lighting plan Electro-Dynamic Company Bayonne, New Jersey, U.S. A. “CAs “ove IND Peis | * buy, sell, charter, equip, If You Want To Build, epee ds repair, salve or demolish a papper: of any description, onsult Haines Brothers d Salvage Engineers. General Suiprine Agts. a SUOVER 3 an’ SARS NAUTICAL EXPERIENCE Tel.Broad 368 | NEW YORK CITY E ST; th oabedns ESTIMATES PLANS SPECIFICATIONS THE MARINE REVIEW 35 AMERICAN LINE NEW YORK—LIVERPOOL Sailing from New York Every Saturday at 12 noon St. Louis (11,629 tons) St. Paul (11,629 tons) New York (10,798 tons) Philadelphia (10,786 tons) 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Pier 62, North River, Foot of West 23rd St., New York 1319 Walnut St., Philadelphia apes ey Sone 11th and Locust A ts t. Louis India Bldg., 84 State St., Boston 121 Bont Third St., Minneapolis 1306 F St., N. W., Washington aie eh are San Francisco 6 econ ve., Seattle 219 St. Charles St., New ohare 41 King St. East, Teronks 14 North Dearborn St., Chicago 118 Notre Dame St., Montreal CASE OUTWARD THRUST PROPELLER WHEELS For Any Vessels, from Launches to Battleships GREATEST POWER AND SPEED LEAST VIBRATION The most powerful and smoothest running Propeller on the market. The Maximum of Efficiency. Write for Catalog A. WELLS CASE & SON HIGHLAND PARK, CONN. I TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS 30 Years Practice SIGGERS & SIGGERS PATENT LAWYERS Suite 11, National Union Ins. Bldg., Washington, D. CG. THE MULHOLLAND HATCH - FASTENER COMPANY Main 272 Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 Manufacturers of the Mulholland, Simplex and Security Hatch Fasteners. For Ocean and Lake Trade. OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers