a =H A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.. 34 American Blower Co.....----: 27 American Engineering Cos 2 American Line.....:..-+-+--+ 35 American Ship Building Co... 4 American Steel & Wire Co.... 20 Armstrong Mfg. Co.......--- 55 Ashton Valve Co.......++-. pee ene f Automatic Steam Trap & Specs CO. ices i es Sas 33 B » Babcock & Wilcox Co........ 12 Babcock & Penton..........- 53 Baltimore Oakum Co........ 18 Baldt Steel Co.........-.500- 23 Bath Iron Works, Ltd....... 8 Blackmere Rotary Pump, Pow- er Be Migs: Con ceed eee’ 43 - Boland & Cornelius........... 52 Boston Belting Co........... 14 Boston & Lockport Block Co. 18 Brauer, Justus & Son, Inc.... 41 _Breymann, G. ‘H., & Bros.... 32 - Buffalo Dry Dock Co......... 10 Byerley: & Sonsini ne uy & Carpenter, Geo, B., & Co.... 18 Case, A. Wells, & Son....... 35. Chase Machine Co.......... we 26 Chicago Ship Building Co.... 6 Cleveland and Erie Mch’y. Co. 36 Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co... 7 Commercial Boiler Wks., The 34 Continental Iron Works, The 2 eGary,- Chas:, (& ‘Sons. ica... 15 Cier cRODErE hese oe oi ak 53 D Dake Pngine: (Coca. . 66568 5 ie: Welanever we ki oCon Ge se, 34 Dixon, Joseph Crucible Co.... 22 ‘Donnelly, Wm, T....6....4. 53 ‘Drein, Thos., & Son. ...3..%. 41 Detroit Ship Building Co..... 4 Durable Wire Rope Co:...... 55 E Eckliff Automatic Boiler Cir- culator Co. Electro Dynamic Co... 6... 35 Engberg’s Elec. & Mech. Wks. 28 Index to A CATE CNSeRC Cannan THE MARINE REVIEW F Falls Hollow Staybolt Co..... 35 Ferdinand, L. W., & Co...... 31 Fletcher, W. & A., Co....... 34 Fore River Ship Bldg. Corp.. 35 Forest City Paint & Varnish COR eis ie acne Gaeduaaaass 50 Burstenau, Mi O. tag ear 53 G Galusha, A Tai Corso c: 26 General Electric Co.......... 29 Gilchrist, Albert J........... 51 Goldschmidt Thermit Co..... . 16 Goulder, Day, White, Garry ee Dyn cant ssi owe 51 Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Oe hen Shieieie cy einai esas 35 Great Lakes Engrg. Wks.... 30 Griscom-Russell Co, ......... 33 H Haines Brothers.............. 35 Hall, Geo., Coal Co.......... 34 Hanna, M. A., & Co...Front cover Holding, Masten, Duncan & EOL G Ail xe sclecnaa aha halaiscar eo acets 51 Home Rubber Co............ 15. Hotels Willers seovecr remotes He. Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKee- han & Andrews .........5. 51 Hutchinson & Co........ CAR eRe OL Hyde: “Windlass Co.cc. bs 56 Hynd; Alexander 2... 0000... 53 iE International Mercantile Ma- PING OOM oe iain ee eacee Sone Inter-Island Steam Nav. Co... 8 International Oxygen Co...... 16 Isherwoodyed. So Was onee 3 Johns-Manville, H. W., Co...14-15 Johnston Bros. al U0=0HUWS#=}U!ILIN—NHMNUIE ==” Mm©@—Dnnntttniiiittr:xkittttttttttttittsssiittttttttttititticnttinin K Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons... 55 Kingsford Fdy. & Mch. Wks. 34 ikererers (Cy chinicns hee cag eee ee Sai 18) Lake Erie Boiler Works...... 26 Lamy, Chas., & Sons........ 49 Lane, C. M., Life Boat Co.... 41 Le Mois Scientifique.......... 36 Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. ....... 11 Lorain Coal & Coke Co...... 41 M McArthur Portable Fire Es- GADew CO aus Oe a nee as 24 MieCarthys obec Rig Galion stein 52 McGray, Capt. Arthur N..... 33 McMillan’s Sons, W. H.,..... 18 McNab: Gor. eek Coen ee aot 12 Manitowoc Ship Bldg & Dry WOE Cons a ee eee eed ee 34 Michigan Salt Works........ 43 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 10 Morse, A. J., & Son, Inc.... 41 Mulholland Hatch Fastener ( Choe eee GPa ie tee aaa Sea PARTS) N Nicholson Ship Log Co....... 33 NORCOM Ele Deas ahos wey es 33 dee Patterson-Sargeant Co. ...... 50 Pearsons Cen eae oe 20 Penberthy, Injector (Co.....:.. 56 Pickands, Mather & Co....... 47 Pneumercator Con. firs... 28 Polson Iron Works, Ltd...... 8 Price, Alburn, Crum & Alburn 51 March, 1915 : = - R Richardsony-W. Ci. & Co. 5, ae Reid?“Joline&7 Co. i. corse: eS Ritchie;-E; S.- & Sons. oes. 41 Roelker;< Uy 2B oe oa ee 33 Ross: Valve Mfg. Co.......... od S Safety Car Heating & Light- WAS HOON 2 Ea os Gay nets 26 Schrader’s A., Son, Inc....... 41 Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Co reese ee 9 Sheriffs: Mie. (Coss Gees 26 Shipping. “World awa 36 Siggers’ & sSiggers.2 5.4000... 35 Southern Bedding Co........ sek Standard: Cham Cou. See c 113 Stegner Brokerage Co. Theo. 12. St. Johns Grate Bar Co...... 31 St. Lawrence Marine Railway CON cet see eae 34 Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co... 21 Sullivan, Di 8 Gos n.onco 52 Sullivane Mico cae eee 32 Superior Iron Works Co...... 43 Superior Ship Building Co.... 6 T Tietien & Lang Dry Dock -; GOL st wane ce cones Bea 9 Toledo Ship Building Co..... o ‘Trout, a) Gi Coma hee eee 35 Tuller: “Hotels 30s Se icen het eas 32 Vv Valk & Murdoch Co......... 26 Vance. & Joys (Co.c sa 52 Macunm: Oil: Co.cc wines 45 WwW Walker, Thomas. & Son, Ltd. 22 Ward, Chas., Engrg. Works 12 Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill... 51 Meaterbury «Cog ati a aes 20 Watts; J.< Murray ee 52 Welin Marine Equipment Co. 41 Whitman, Paul Pewee sel o8