10 THE MARINE REVIEW = a PAS Ly parte Brilliant and steady illumination ~ Economical and reliable in operation from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention and can be seen at a distance of six miles. Over 2,200 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. —~» Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian and United States Light House Depart- ments for Channel and Harbor Lighting. Controlled by the SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING COMPANY Chicago OUR Feed-Water Filters _will keep oil out of your boiler They Have No Equal | | {| Write for list of users i ho Ross Valve Mfg. Co. Troy; N. Y¥. Ashton Highest Grade POP SAFETY VALVES AND STEAM GAGES Guaranteed to give Unequalled Efficiency, Durability and Perfect Satisfaction Special Features 1n Valves Outside Pop Regulation, Cam Lever Attachment, Jessop Steel Spring, Gages have Non-Corrosive Movements, Accurately Graduated Dials, Seamless Drawn Springs. Specify the Ashton and Get the Best THE ASHTON VALVE COMPANY 271 Franklin St. BOSTON, MASS. New York Philadelphia Branches: Chicago San Francisco 2 Philadelphia Boston Rector Street, New York St. Louis Washington, D.C. San’Francisco, Cal. Montreal NICHOLSON SHIP LOGS Far in advance of all other types The Nicholson Record- ing Ship Log has recently been installed on the lake bulk freighters Samuel Mather (big) and W. H. Crawford. Thelake pas- senger steamers North American and South American have also been equipped with it. One has also been put aboard the American cup de- fender Vanitie and orders have just been received for logs for Galatea II owned by E. L. Ford of Detroit, and Aquilo owned by B. T. Rogers, Vancouver, B. C. Write for Catalogue The Nicholson Record- ing Ship Log gives the mileage sailed and shows the exact speed per hour on a dial, recording it on a chart for every minute of the trip. NICHOLSON SHIP LOG CO. Cleveland, O. Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers May, 1915