; = : Bek A30 Washington Avenue, Philadelphia < OL. 46 CLEVELAND JANUARY, 1916 NEW YORK > No. TMM “FROM STONE COLD TO FULL POWER IN TEN SECONDS” EE =!l| The An eminent Euro- pean engineer, an Southwark- Me authority on Diesel Harris engines, after a V 1 \ e recent inspection of sch this engine, summed Oil up his remarks by saying that the Engine— SOUTHWARK- . HARRIS Diesel ENGINE is a r F inciple “‘simplified Diesel. ’’ _THE SOUTHWARK-HARRIS VALVELESS ENGINE is especially well adapted for shal- low draft vessels and barges, which usually are operated on tortuous and narrow rivers, because it is directly reversible;—it has been put from “Full Ahead” to “Full Astern” in two seconds, and can be slowed down like a steam engine. Entire control is by means of a single hand wheel. iN ey “&— Cross Section of Shallow Draft Vessel now in course of construction, showing Installation of 2 type, 4 A.M. (240 I. H. P. each) SOUTHWARK-HARRIS ~VALVELESS ENGINES. ss 7 "SOUTHWARK F OUNDRY & MACHINE COMPANY SSS 2, SNS Pe RTE al Sala a Old CBlovy Building, Chicago, III. Brown-Marx Building, Bicminshon, Ala. © 4 AAT AMON ; _ Alphabetical List of seg aigbte: ae na Contents, page 5 ‘ babies page 60 pureneeied Advertisements, page 6