February, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 23 Save Trouble, Time and Money by concentrating your purchases with a modern, progressive supply house, centrally located, doing business after modern methods, in an up-to-date plant, with a big, clean stock of Shipbuilders’ Supplies, including OAKUM CAPSTANS COTTON WASTE ANCHORS CORDAGE' ENGINEERS’ SUPPLIES CHAIN PACKING WINDLASSES Send for a copy of Our No. 102 MARINE SUPPLY CATALOGUE of 550 pages, which will be sent free to BOAT and SHIP BUILDERS, DRY DOCKS and THE TRADE. To individuals interested, it will be mailed on receipt of 20 cents to cover postage. If you already have this catalogue, send for our 1916 Net Price List issued free to all holders of our Catalogue. Our Net Price List is an innovation in the trade and will be found a great convenience. Gro-B-CARPENTER& Co, 430-440 Wells Street CHICAGO “‘The Great Central Market’’ \ 4 WEVASPILIT PANELS P@® LAST LONGERTHAN Woop ay -) wad hte - With NOT CHECK OR SPLIT- | DEADEN SOUND. ASK YS Why NEVASPLIT is better than wood for paneling. The NEVES PRODUCTS COMPANY ne EQUITABLE BLOG. /20 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY. IIA Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers