28 THE MARINE REVIEW February, 1916 Always Use oY... Trade Mark Registered Best Paint Sold for Every Part of | Every Ship Look Best and Last Longest. Are Entirely Satisfactory. Just What You Need. Write our nearest branch for full information and prices The Patterson-Sargent Co. Cleveland Chicago New York Marine Type Compressor. Electric drive with brine pump and water pump all on common base The Clothel Company MANUFACTURERS OF Low Pressure REFRIGERATING MACHINES Marine Work a Specialty Office: 90 West Street ~ NEW YORK, N. Y. Please mention THe Marine: Review when writing to Advertisers Valk & Murdoch Company Nan IANO DIXON’S SI LICca GRAPHITE PAINT gives longest service for hatches, smokestacks, in- terior of hulls, boiler fronts, etc. Made in first quality only, for fifty years. We can pro- duce economies for you. Let us serve you. iMac Made.in Jersey City, N. J. by the Joseph Dixon Crucible Co. ESTABLISHED 1827 HAUL CAAA B-96 CH RITCHIE Compasses, Binnacles, and NAUTICAL Instruments AAT 0 SOLD IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD Magnets for Adjusting Purposes. E.S. RITCHIE ¢& SONS NAVY STANDARD BINNACLE BROOKLINE - MASS. Charleston, S. C. Marine Railway Machine and Boiler Shops Forgings and Castings Steam Boat Repairs