THE MARINE REVIEW Table II. AMcrehant Tonnage Building Jan. I, 1916 © Atlantic Coast Ship Yards Baltimore Dry Docks & Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore. Speed, Length, Breadth sid Depth, feet. 306.0 x 47.0 x 28.0 306.0 x 47.0 x 28.0 306.0 x 47.0 x 28.0 306.0 x 47.0 x 28.0 225 Pr ee ee ee ee er) » 250 ee er 406.0 x 54.5 x 32.5 406.0 x 54.5 x 32.5 406.0 x 54.5 x 32.5 456.4 x 57.0 x 41.6 456.4 x 57.0 x 41.6 459.0 x 55.9 x 40.7 459.0 x 55.9 x 40.7 431.9 x 56.0 x 32.8 431.9 x 56.0 x 32.8 427.0 x 53.4 x 31. 404.0 x 51.0 x 24. 427.0 x 53.4 x 31. 427.0 x 53.4 x 31. 480.0 x 60.0 x 36. 427.0 x 53.4 x 31 203.0 x 40.0 x 11. 255.0 x 39.0 x 28. 308.0 x 44.0 x 26. 427.0 x 53.4 x 31. 435.0 x 53.0 x 35. DODWVSHOWOOWS ‘orort News, Va. ee rd a ear ers re ee eer Te ey er er cy Ce ee ee ee eee ees oer nee ene bee 6 Oe we 8 eee eee er er he ee ey Sete ewww ees eeses pee em erence neces em mr cree csrenece Ce eC Me et de er Ua Ya ete Sac ermeereeer cece Gross Name. Owner. tonnage, Not named .:.... Transatlantic Motor 3,500 Not named (eck... Transatlantic Motor 3,500 Not named ...... Transatlantic Motor 3,500 Not named ...... Transatlantic Motor 3,500 ’ Bath Iron Works, Bath, Me. Not named ...... Cox) -& “Stevens. cela Cae Fares cs Yacht 418 Chester Shipbuilding Co., Chester, Pa. Not named ...... GTEI oh: OWHeTS: os 5 c:s06 oie ps ve ct eroie este ace i i 5,000 Not “named <.. 53. Morevenm Owners... ssw sras cs cte ewe Ve alas ; 5,000 INGE named. ose: $$$ ceceeceveccccccccccecs Freight 4,000 G. G. Deering Co., Bath, Me. Not: named: 405 3. Gee COTING CC Onan icreie crea wiv cieis Cleleters 1,900 : Ellicott Machine Corporation, Baltimore Not named ...... Pennsylvania Railroad Co.............. 250 Not named 3.0... Pennsylvania Railroad Co.............. 250 Not: named: i... 5. Pennsylvania Railroad on o0 0 sic crs ose 250 Fore River Shipbuilding Corporation, Quincy, Mass. Gubadistoi35.4e5 Cuba Distilling Cov. .... 2. cee ese een 5,600 SUCTOSA S35 eae se Cuba = Distilling Co... 02. cece sees ta eie 5,600 Mielero:o5. (fo. 06 ee Distilino Cops ss see ase es 5,600 Edwin luckenbach BE: sluckenbach<. ciel ei aac 8,100 Julia Luckenbach.. Quuckenbachern sis ok ee 8,100 Not: mamed yi. 5: E USUGKENDACH 6s fice chig Sk eae ne 8,100 Not named (23206: E. Wuckenbach: vis es cc es centers ve 8,100 Not named: 22.5.5: Texas Steamship Covi 64 dacesie wes oe eS 6,500 Not: named: {053s Dexas Steamship: Coy ccc ns es ee cee 6,500 Harlan & Hollingsworth eh Wilmington, Del. Pearl Shell ..... Shell Co. of Californian sc. oars sudaclecs 5,605 Not named ss. .s. ‘ Petroleum Transport Co,............+-- 5,347 Benj. brewster. <... Standard Oil Co. vos ai eee epg Md oi pode! 5,605 Weck - lilford.. 2 standard: Ol: COs iccectes cas eeee 5,605 Not named ...... Standard: Oil Co.) acct tes oe aes 8,490 Not ‘named <4... Standard: Oil <Cos ee wie wee ae we we 5,605 Not named ...... Wilmineton Steamboat Co. i355 .tx nes. 750 Not named ...... i. & Carolina Steamship Co 2,010 Not named ...... Wacwume Oil Oo seca cea kes weariness F 2,750 Wot. names ..i ss. Vacuum: ON 8 COs etic eatoe eee cata trs 5,605 Not: named ©... . Ocean Steamship Co. of Savannah 4,500 Kelley-Spear Co., Bath, Me. Not named ...... England. Steamship Co........... 450 Not named ...... England Steamship C 450 Not) named .25%.. England Steamship Co 450° Not named ...... England Steamship Co 450 Not named .... ©. ——A- nce eeeee cece ncncccceces 1,584 Maryland Steel Co., acca Point, Md. ASIAN cc ica American-Hawaiian Steamship Co 5,800 Arborean soe. ee American-Hawaiian Steamship Co 5,800 Marearet. 0c .; A Ce COM aes cae aaa mie ak F 3,628 Miusisomo('.545). «3 s Munson Steamship Line................ 3,628 Munplace: so. cas Munson? Steamship Linesii3 cee cds fs 3,628 Wot named soos. Munson Steamship. Line... 3.0.0 6500 20.4. 4,000 Not named .....: Bull-Insular Steamship Co.............. 3,800 Not named .....%.: Bull-Insular Steamship Co.............. 3,800 Not ‘named: .059% Standard: Ol ‘Cove ose aw CO - 102000 Not named ..,.... Standard: (Oils Coven ese eee . 10,000 Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Nace £o., Chatles: Prattsc 3. Standard O1l Co. Os eis Oh eee Oil ie SOD He Rogers..; Standata: Oil Coo: sis eae eee iooce Antwerpen < ... 6.6. Standard Oil Co. (osgcc ge oe cue ce ie 8,374 Not named ...... Standard Oil Comey eee a ee 10,900 Not named ...... Standard “Oil Ces. es os ces 10,900 Not: named 22... Standard OW Con oi ee oe ed 10,900 E. F. Luckenbach. Edgar F. Luckenbach............6.:... 8,000 Not named ...... Mallory: Steamship Covi. ivscvsceivvcs 6,000 apap cea Risin aves Munson Steamship Line............... 4,600 Not! named eos. Munson Steamship Line........0%%.... 4,600 Not narhed ...... Crowell & Thurlow Steamship Co 5,900 Not named ...... & Thurlow Steamship Co 5,900 Not named ...... Southern * pacihe a eowhit se Vek ems 5,125 Not named: 2s... Souter “Pacitie: Co .cr oo ce 4,500 Not named ...... Southern: Pacihe CG, .aiein sk a 4,500 Not named ...... Atlantic Refining: Co; a 8,400 ee ee ey February, 191 Probable date of Launching. Apt. 1,716 Apr: © 1,46 Oct, 1,215 Oct. F216 ug., 1916 Nov., 1916 Jan. 25,716 Feb. 25, °16 Mar. 25, ’°16 Cie Se ack ok Sor et OK ge a a ee ee ey eee ee ween eee we we dane ee ey Sep. 15, ’°16 Dec. <3, 7°16 Fan. 155737 Feb, 45716 June 1,716 Dec. 15, °16 May 1,717 Sep. (E717 Aug. 15, 716 July 1,716 Sep. -1,°16 Novice i6 Jane 21a Nov. ‘15, °16 Dec. 15, 716 Ce ee ey ey ee ary eee ee ween ne oe ee ee ween e i ne, 1917 uly, 1917