February, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 95 BYERLYTE DECK FLOORING The only successful composition flooring for ships Vessel owners are recognizing the won- derful adaptability of Byerlyte deck floor- ing. for ships. it absolutely will not crack; it binds perfectly with either wood or steel; it is waterproof, fireproof and vermin-proof; it is entirely mineral, is indestructible and will wear forever. Vibration cannot break its surface BYERLEY & SONS Lae CLEVELAND Diningroom of the Steamer Underwood of the Erie Railroad Lake Line covered with Byerlyte Estimates given on request STRATFORD OAKUM QUALITY GUARANTEED JERSEY CITY and EVERYWHERE GEO. STRATFORD OAKUM CO., 165 Cornelison Ave., Jersey City, U.S.A. MARINE a ee | . ; s il BOILERS : : mabe a. 1 Patt oe a Oi BOLINDERS OF ALL TYPES KINGSFORD FOUNDRY & MACHINE | ee WORKS, BOLINDERS COMPANY Oswego, N.Y. 30 CHURCH STREET NEW YORK Please mention THE Marine REVIEW when writing to Advertisers