14 THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1916 LARGEST FLOATING DRY DOCK EQUIPMENT «i: PACIFIC COAST Completely Equipped Shops for Ship, Engine and Boiler REPAIRS Ship Builders, Engine Builders, Boiler Makers, Iron Founders, Brass Founders, Lumber Manufacturers PARSONS’ MARINE STEAM TURBINES—YARROW BOILERS Cable Address: ‘“‘THREEDOCKS’’—Codes: Western Union, A. B. C., 5th ed. and Bentley’s Seattle Construction & Dry Dock Company SEATTLE, WASHINGTON a" BATH IRON WORKS ee l Shipbuilders and Engineers Licensee for Particular Attention Given to Parson’s Marine Turbines, High Speed Requirements Normand Express Water Tube Boilers. Estimates Furnished. Fe ee hc lee PROVABLE FACTS— [* you want to experiment—you won’t be interested in the WAGER PATENT IMPROVED FURNACE BRIDGE WALL. BUT if you want a bridge wall that has in it five years of making good; a bridge wall that is turning the marine industry away from the antiquated fire brick; one that insures less smoke, minimum upkeep, greater efficiency and backed up by responsible references including all the leading railroad, freight and passenger steamer companies, private yacht owners, Stationary plants and others—you WILL be interested in the WAGER BRIDGE. This isn’t argument, or persuasion, or contention. It’s just simple, provable facts. May we prove these facts to you? ROBERT H. WAGER ee Tee, FURNACE. BRIDGE WALLS Manitowoc Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Go, | — New York Philadelphia Detroit New York Office: Singer Building - - Telephone: Cortlandt 4299 MANITOWOC, WIS. PERERA SEALE ATER ES EP ORT TES ELEN DEEL EEL LL LED LLL LEED IIIS LLNS TEEN SUITES Please mention THE Marine Revirw when writing to Advertisers STEEL SHIPS ENGINES MARINE BOILERS