ll K HANA M hg ig hl iF | IMAM AA AAA TTT HMI AAU TT VOL. 46 CLEVELAND oe JUNE, 1916 NEW YORK No. 6 y Gg iY Oh GY |] Point of View is Nee We Are Confronted by a Unique. Problem in the Re-establishment of the American Merchant Marine Demanding American Methods for Its Solution ity operations for two years or more. But demands a unique method of solution. what of the long look ahead? What perma- First of all, let us build ships wholesale, to stand- nent results may be expected to flow from existing ard specifications, and let us be whole-hearted prosperity? . Must we look forward to a relapse about it. By this we mean the ships should be into the deplorable conditions existing before the out- actually, not theoretically, standard. Vessels of break of hostilities in Europe, or can we hope to the ‘same class should be alike not only in form, build an enduring, serviceable structure on the dimensions and power, but in details like box cars foundation now being laid? These are questions or locomotives. They should be built in lots, not that are occupying the attention of men interested of a dozen but of fifty or a hundred. Only in this in the permanent welfare of the American mer- \.tyanner can production costs and operating ex- chant marine. " ‘pénses be reduced to a minimum. Such vessels The Flag Will Not Come Down could be fabricated like standard bridge spans, In It is now generally conceded that the recrudes- Working out the details a leaf could profitably be cence of American shipping is no temporary affair taken from the experience of the Master Car Build- —permanent, substantial results are assured. We ¢ts Association. Before the standardization com- are on the right course. This, however, does not ‘Mmittees of this organization got together there was mean that no breakers lie ahead. The work of aS much chaos in the railway construction field as re-establishing the American flag on the high seas) NOW exists in ship building circles. The work of has only just begun. Many problems remain to the Master Car Builders’ Association was not done be solved, but the flag will not come down. ina day. It is the result of years of painstaking But before any great results can bé achieved, ¢0-operative effort. But it has accomplished won- the attitude of the government must undergo a ders, and it is doubtful if the difficulties that have radical change. Antagonism must give way to been overcome were any less numerous than now co-operation. Hide-bound servility to certain class confront the ship builders. A MERICAN ship yards are assured of capac- ner. We are confronted by a unique problem. It interests must be replaced by a broad appreciation ‘A New Poind of View of the welfare of all concerned, owner, manager, licensed officer and seaman. It would also seem Operating methods also should come in for an desirable to undertake a somewhat radical reor- overhauling, and in this connection the point of ganization of the time-honored methods of ship view of the steel manufacturer, who is willing to construction and operation, so as to counterbalance scrap machinery worth thousands of dollars for the the inherent disadvantages in initial cost and oper- purpose of installing new equipment that will re- ating expenses resulting from the higher standards quire one or two less men, is worthy of considera- of living and wages existing in the United States. tion. For instance, why aren’t automatic stokers This should be done for the self-preservation of employed more extensively on shipboard? You the American merchant marine, regardless of any say it can’t be done. But it is done in power plants action taken by the government. ashore and on locomotives. Some day it will be The whole ship owning, ship operating and ship done on the sea, and the man who does it, and building system is honeycombed with old-world introduces other similarly radical innovations, will conservatism and what is needed in America is a give our merchant marine the final punch it now fresh point of view. We should tackle our ship- needs to put it in a class with other permanently ping problem in a characteristically American man- profitable American business enterprises. 195