56 THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1916 { =“ YD Se ee : A a a = sap = octors | y) Vy) ‘she 7 4 y) —N ae y) Vy) ® \ , 2 xf mr | s =, aS rG m 2 Sa SS a ~ = MITTS SS x © VTA AS VSS BBRS I ALBERT J. GILCHRIST C. E. KREMER, COUNSELOR AT LAW AND PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY Rockefeller Building Suite 1012-1016 Insurance Exchange Building CLEVELAND, O. CHICAGO, ILL. A, alli ah tea as “LILLIE, LILLIE & LILLIE YERS LAW OFFICES Proctors in cca General Practitioners nd C ial Collecti Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, O. and Commercial Collections Business Address, GRAND HAVEN, MICHIGAN S. H. HOLDING, F. S. MASTEN, T. H. DUNCAN and F. L. LECKIE HOLDING, MASTEN, DUNCAN & LECKIE ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY 840-848 Rockefeller Building CLEVELAND, O. Spencer & Spencer ATTORNEYS AT LAW PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY Alworth Building, Duluth, Minn. HOYT, DUSTIN, KELLEY, WARREN, CADY, LADD & HILL McKEEHAN & ANDREWS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND PROCTORS LAWYERS AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY vet see Offices, 702 Western Reserve Bldg., bynes w. Fer Claudius B. Grant, Counsel CLEVELAND, O. Yalan Magy = dann J. Union Trust Building, Detroit The Dignified Means Whereby every professional man interested in the marine field may in- crease his clientele is offered thru The Marine Review. Proctors in Admiralty, who keep their names constantly before our readers, have a distinct advantage over non-advertisers—there’s a prestige gained thru The Marine Review that cannot be obtained in any other way. Your professional card on this page would cost a very small amount and the investment would prove the best you ever made in publicity service. Rates gladly quoted upon request. THE MARINE REVIEW eg ss Cleveland, Ohio | 110 | Please mention THE MarINE ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers