June, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 63 Eckliff Alivomane Boiler Circulators Equalization-- and-- Circulation The Scotch boiler with circulation is practically as hot at the bottom as it is at the top. It couldn't be otherwise. If your boilers are cool below the grate lines they are wasting fuel and are subject to many expensive ailments which can be cured by proper circulation. And there is one sure way of getting circulation-- « Pig Install Eckliff Circulators Why not rid your boilers of the ills that always accompany cool bottomed boilers? Why not get more steam with less fuel? Eckliffs are guaranteed--and are making good in hundreds of installations. The standard tested Thermometer at the bottom of every Eckliff-equipped boiler proves our claims of Equalization and Circulation. Write for booklet and data. Eckliff Automatic Boiler Circulator Co. 54 Shelby Street, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. A. NEW YORK OFFICE: Singer Building PHILADELPHIA OFFICE: Bullitt Building Create and Maintain Perfect Circulation FIRE TUBE MARINE SUPERHEATER EIGHT REASONS WHY 1. It is adaptable to either new or 5. It results in a saving of fuel over existing boilers of the fire tube type and can be applied with no change in design or construction. 2. It renders possible an increase in output of boiler horse power from a given boiler plant, 10% to 20%. 3. It will produce the same power output with fewer boilers. 4. It reduces the size of the bunkers, thereby reducing the draft of the vessel with a given cargo or making possible an increase in revenue cargo. Have You Read the Classified Advertisements? Real bargains in Passenger and Freight Boats, Dredges, Tugs, Dredging saturated plants, both operating under the same draft conditions, of 10% to 20%. 6. It reduces the maintenance costs by the prevention of water hammer, leaky flanges and con- densation in the cylinders. 7. It does not prevent rapid, thorough and frequent cleaning of the tubes. 8. Its construction provides easy access to all screwed joints and the easy removal of the parts. LOCOMOTIVE SUPERHEATER COMPANY 30 Church Street, NEW YORK, N. Y. Peoples Gas Bldg., CHICAGO, ILL. Machinery, Engines, Boilers, Cranes, and other opportunities are awaiting you. Take a Look Now---You May Find Something Interesting 202 Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers