f 2x NHINTIIITTEUUUTUUUIOTUEU HU S2UUUHUOUUUQQAUOUQUQUUOUOOQOOQQOQONOUOOQOOOOOOOOUOOOGOOOGOOOOOOOOOOQOQOOQOOOQQQQOOQQQOQQQQQOQQOOQQOQOOQQQ0QQQ0G0OO0000OOOOOOEEEEEOOOEOEOOOOOUOUUAAOOOOOOEEOOEEEEOOOOOUOOOOOOOOOGOGOOOOOOOOOGOOAAOEAOOOOOCU TT rr | THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1916 11000 H. P. Westinghouse Marine Reduction Gear in Hobbing Machine, Speed Reduction 3600 to 200 RPM. Westinghouse Marine Reduction Gears The engineering and commercial advantages of Westinghouse Geared Turbines for ship propulsion, as compared with either direct connected turbines or reciprocating engines, are mainly: Increased propeller efficiency Increased turbine efficiency Reduced space and weight of machinery Reduced cost of upkeep. The Westinghouse Machine Company East Pittsburgh, Pa. - Washington, D. C. HUNT, MIRK & COMPANY San Francisco - Seattle Please mention THE MarinE Review when writing to Advertisers PE liz