June, 1916 ee eT RATES = for less than $1.00. : = Wanted WANTED:—AM IN THE MARKET FOR the purchase of inland or sea-going barges; also tug boats; state dimensions, draught, age, condition of boats and price in first letter. ddress Box 122, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. WANTED HEAVY DUTY MARINE Engine, gasoline or oil, 40 to 60 horsepower. State make and lowest cash price. Address D. C. Dobson, Box 575, Midland, Ont., Can. WANTED—PASSENGER AND FREIGHT Steamers, Sailing vessels and other craft. Mail particulars and price. If you are a Buyer write me. John A. Moody, London, Canada. WANTED: — LUMBER STEAMER OR Steamer to change to lumber carrier, 600,000 to 1,000,000 capacity. Address Box 128, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. For Sale FOR SALE. LAKE AND OCEAN VESSELS, Clarence L. Parker, Vessel Agent Foot of First St., Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE: — LOCOMOTIVE CRANES, McMyler revolving derricks, with clam shells. The Cleveland & Erie Machinery Co., Rocke- feller Bldg., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE—TWO, 4-CYLINDER, 40-H. P. Holliday gasoline marine engines, with shafts and wheels. Hibbard Spencer Bartlett & Co., State Street Bridge, Chicago, Ill FOR SALE:—TUG RUNNELS, 58.9 x. 15.3 ft. depth 6.9, draws 8 ft. of water. Gross tonnage 37.87, net 18. 16 sq. high pressure engine. Boiler about 120 lb. Dorr E. War- ner, Atty., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE:—TWO SCOTCH MARINE Boilers, 13 ft. 6 in. diameter, 12 ft. long: allowed 130 lb. steam, good condition; nee for cash. Inquire Pringle Barge Line Co., 32 Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE:—STEAMER MOHEGAN IN thorough condition throughout; rates 95 high power; two new Scotch boilers 11 ft. 6 in. x 14 ft. 6 in.; steel boiler house; recently in dry dock; will run 12 miles an hour light or loaded; capacity 1,200 M. ft. lumber; 1,600-1,700 tons coal. Also for sale, consort Mingoe, light draught, good condition, cap- acity 950 M. ft. lumber, 1,200-1,300 tons coal. i ferers Graves, Bigwood & Co., Buffalo, SCHOONER ONEIDA. Now at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Might make a good barge for Coal, Stone, or other such purposes. Price $400.00. James R. Andrews, Escanaba, Mich. FOR SALE: — Remittance should accompany order for one-time ads. - at once. THE MARINE REVIEW of the month. For Sale PLANT FOR SALE: — ONE THREE cubic yard dipper dredge; 1 Tug Boat, 13 x 15 cylinder, hull 40 feet x 13 feet x 6 feet; 3 derrick scows; 1 flat scow 76 feet x 24 feet x 7 feet 6 inches; 2 three hundred cubic yard mud scows; one 1% yard orange peel bucket; one 1% yard Williams clam _ shell bucket; one direct connected 34 cubic yard coricrete mixer; one marine lake type boiler 16 feet long, 9 feet in diameter, built for 145 pounds working pressure, heating surface 2,400 square feet. Great Lakes Construction Co., 1117 Chamber of Commerce building, Buffalo, INES FOR SALE:—STEAM SAND SUCKER, tully equipped; capacity 180 yards, length 117 feet, beam 23 feet; draft; light 7 feet, loaded 10 feet; at a bargain price if taken Address Box 94, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS OR WILL trade Tug Cadillac, perfect condition, allowed 125 lbs. steam. Charles Ryan, 4 Birge Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE:—AT A BARGAIN THE choice Milwaukee built freight steamer Thom- as Davidsen about 300 ft. long, 42 ft. beam, 21 ft. depth of hold. Carries about 112-115 thousand bushels wheat, about 125-130 thou- sand bushels barley, 165 thousand oats. Own- er retiring, has sold out all but this steamer. Inquire of H. J. Pauly, 165-18 St., Milwau- kee, Wis. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. Surface condensers, one each 900—2,000—5,500 —and 11,000 sq. ft. 10%—22 One pair F. & A. Compound Engines One pair Quadruple Expansion Engines 650— 215000 “Hie P. each: One Quadruple Expansion Engine 1,500 H. P. 15—30 One F. & A. Compound Engine. 26 Two Steam Windlasses. One 65 K. W. General Electric Lighting Set. Air, Feed and Circulating Pumps. Five Water Tube Boilers. MARVIN BRIGGS, INC. 167 Sixth street, Brooklyn, N. Y. FOR SALE. Three Boilers, which have been used very little in about eight months, dimensions as follows: 66-in. diameter, by 18 ft. long, fitted with 70—3¥%-in. by 18 ft. charcoal tubes, thickness of shell ys in., thickness of head %4 in. gages of tubes No. 10; tripple riveted butt straps on longitudinal seams; horsepower from 125 to 140 each “Normal’’; allowed govern- ment pressure 150 lbs. to sq. in. (Dimensions of one Boiler same as above, except 2 ft. shorter. ) For particulars write, TOWLES STEAMSHIP LINE, W. H. Towles, Owner, Fort Meyers, Fla, (SOS LAS eS WEST SSS SE SRR no ae RS eas en Raee an gre oe Ea FOR SALE:—10 REBUILT CAMPBELL Motors as good as new at a very low price. We also have all sizes of new motors from 5 to 60-H. P. and are making special prices for the 1915 models. Campbell Motor Mfg. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Seven (7) words must be allowed for box address. To insure insertion, copy should reach us before the 9th 71 it NT Wanted and For Sale All classified ads.—four cents (4c) per word. No. ad. accepted nts IMPORTANT AAA iiiinniiiiomiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiun0Cnnc icici caKKRNRARaeRR For Sale ARTHUR LANGELL, _ Ship Building and Repair Yard Electrically equipped. Best of service and rate guaranteed. Steel parts reinforced and shaped. Machine shop conveniences. ST. CLAIR; “MICH: FOR SALE:—TWO FREIGHT BOATS, One 132 ft. long, 28 ft. beam, 9 ft. depth, 228 gross tons. One 173 ft. long, 31 ft. beam, 12 ft. depth, 474 gross tons. Both in good con- dition. Address Mrs. Vera L. Blodgett, 42 Oregon Ave., Detroit, Mich. SHIP OWNERS. We will pay $80.00 to $120.00 per ton for vessels or take long charter. Wire details our expense. Reliable Brokerage Co., 11 Broad- way, New York City, N. Y. _FOR SALE WOODEN STEAMER WIN- nipeg lumber capacity 1,100,000 feet, coal 1,700 tons. Rebuilt recently. Address D. H. An- drews, Ellicott Sq., Buffalo, N. Y. Help Wanted WANTED:—MECHANICAL DRAUGHTS- man, accustomed to marine engines, boilers and piping. State experience, age and salar expected. Address Box 123, THE MARIN REVIEW, Cleveland, O. HELP WANTED: — A CONCERN IN Philadelphia building marine engines of the Diesel type is anxious to secure the services of some marine engineers. Duties to embrace the building, testing, installing and running guarantees. Preference will be given to ap- plicants having had sea experience, drawing office experience, or shop experience on the building of marine engines, either steam or oil. State salary and experience, and when able to report. Address Box 127, THE MA- RINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. Position Wanted STEAMSHIP CAPTAIN, AGE 43 DE- sires position as captain’ of American built steamer, foreign or coastwise, thoroughly fa miliar with European trade, would like to invest small amount of capital in steamer. Have been in command of large American steamers in the coastwise ,and foreign trade the last 12 years and with present employers 10 years. Absolutely honest, sober and com- petent. ddress Box 126, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O