72 THE MARINE REVIEW June, 1916 I Il ll CCC eR IMA CEA HTT He AML AHIMA A I R Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. 69 Detroit & Cleveland Naviga- International Mercantile Ma- — Loiha epee oe Nas eo 2 American Engineering Co.... 2 tion Co. PGs eet bineeles ees 70 rine Co. Sa aes vier a yk 70 Rrchde E. Ss. & Be : 68 Amietican: igine: S05. is a saws 6 70 Detroit Ship Building Co.... 8 International Oxygen Co..... 15 Ranindon- ay Ronee Co ea American Ship Building Co.. 18 Dixon, Joseph, Crucibie Co.. 65 Isherwood, J. W......-+++++: 7 Rocky: River Dry Dock’ Cs. 4k Armstrong Mfg. Co.......... ie Su scaigeN vile gee ora: teens a Boctier, GH. Bose oes @ Ashton Valve: Cox inca sas se. 6 rein, Os., on CO..... Huds Marne Suuply Co.. > 67 J Ross:*ValveeMite. Coe. ess ei 69 B Durable Wire Rope Co...... 75 Ss LONUStON' [BROS sie Geeete sor he 12 Babcock & Penton.......... 60 E K Safety Car Heating & Light- Babcock & Wilcox Co..... On oo. at a yaleine Ce Sos aes 12 Eckliff Automatic Boiler Cir- Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons:... 75 Schroeder Bros. Co.......-.. 67 eo Te Woke tan 14 culator Co. tee eee eee e ees 63 Kingsford Fdy. & Mch. Wks. 69 Seattle Construction & Dry Biackmer Rotary Pump Co.. 73 lectto Dynamic “Co......... 67 Kremer, C. E,....-..-..0ees 56 Dock CO. tat cs es ae 14 : Engberg’s Electric & Mechan- i Boland & Cornelius......... 58 LeU TLE Sherifis Mig; Co... soy. 73 Bolinders:.Gore-:. 14. Front cover ical Works ........++..e0. 55 L Siggers & Siggers............ 67 Boston & Lockport Block Co. 73 Erdman, Joseph ............. 67. Southern ‘Bedding Coss. .+: 59 Brauer, Justus & Son........ 57 Lake Erie Boiler Works..... 12. “Spencer .& “Spencer, . i sare. 6 56 Breymann, G. H., & Bros... 61 F Lane, C.. M., Life: Boat Co... 57-° Stratford, -Geo:;;, Oakum Co: “61 Buffalo Dry Wock. (Goes 11 Lillie, Dilhe- & ‘illie) 325. . 56 Sullivan, Bs Re COR eee 58 Byetiey. & Sons. clay. ak. 16 Falls Hollow Staybolt Co.... 73 Locomotive Superheater Co.. 63 Superior Iron Works Co..... 75 Farley, Edward P., Co....... 60 Lorain Coal & Deck Co..... 74 Superior Ship Building Co... 6 Cc Pletcher, W.. & A.; Cow. ..%. 67 : Fore River pes Bldg., Corpn. 67 M ‘ iE : : : Furstenau AS OR GRACE ain Meare 60: ae Canadian Mercantile Marine , ; i Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 10 ck 15 prety eee te et). Toledo Ship, Building Cepia 2 aTeVe COg nue c chiens veses cies 76 G MeGifr Z iM Sophepe Pe ae nee eee 8 57 ‘Lrowt; bbe 2G. Cage, cuca 67 Case, A. Wells, & Son....... 67 McNak oI eee eS 65 Taller: Protel’ so 55 vec ce nies 70 Chase Machine vCo. ts 6.805% 6/ General : Electric Go. 222.5% 17 Ms t epey aS Dre Chicago Ship Building Co... 6 Gilchrist, Albert J..:........ 56 Do Ce oF 8 ry te U (GE) Kot el eV eat Oc ea ae Rares nara cei 72 Goldschmidt Thermit Co..... 15 M ws Elestical -C PO RS i : : Collingwood Ship Bldg. Co.. 8 Goulder, White & Garry..... 56 Milwauk “Se D ie lege 3 U.S. Metallic Packing Co., Commercial Boiler Works.... 69 Griscom-Russell Co. ......... 69 Mc behactee eS ry T ef Work: ee +e EDGE? ibs. Getens sie visi boven e at O's greta 68 Continental Iron Works, The 2 rp ae i ow ae orks.. 12 Co-Operative Grain Trimmers 58 H Mulhe? - Jy on, Inc.... 57 V Cory; Chas., & Son, Inc..... 55 ulholland Hatch-Fastener Co. 72 Cox, J. Fillmore, Engrg. & Wance -& Joys: Conc iictuereis 58 Wii Hawting Mok Weeks §§9 Wanna Vis At Reel Ot. co 74 N Pommine. Ship SOE das Hall, Geo., Coal & Coke Co. 15 Ww Wee Po a. V6 ee ee Ns Res 55 Nicholson Ship Log Co...... 73 Curr, Robert 60 Holding, Masten, Duncan & Wager, “hopert.-cncii ss cages 14 PER orc en teem ee teas tt 8 Teele ihre eG ne cote 56 P Walker, Thomas & Son, Ltd. 59 Home: Rubber “Co vaiowiss ics cia 59 Ward, Chas., Engrg. Works.. 65 D Hotel Tuller ................ 70 Patterson-Sargent Co. ....... 61 Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill.. 56 Hoyt, Dunstin, Kelley, McKee- Penberthy Injector Co....... 76 “Waterbury Co. oy. becca 16 Dake. Mngine. Cols cn. ..vevies 73 han & Andrews...<......4. 56 Pickands, Mather & Co...... 74 Welin Marine Equipment Co. 57 Delaney, P., & Co......-..4 69 Hutchinson & Co.........+.. 58: Pneumercator Co... 2. nce. 3 Westinghouse Machine Co... 4 The Allen Dense-Air Ice Machine contains no chemicals. It is placed in the engine room, while the ice-making box and meat rooms are at distant places of the steamer. The Clothel Company MANUFACTURERS OF Over two hundred in daily service eat in the tropics S | on men-of- war, steam — >, yachts and a a - mercantile yu steamers. eg EE Low Pressure REFRIGERATING MACHINES Marine Work a Specialty Desi dM fac- H. B ROEL KE R; or of. corey Promellees 41 Maiden Lane NEW YORK Office: 61 Broadway - NEW YORK, N. Y. THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY Main 272 Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 Manufacturers of the Mulholland Simplex and Security Hatch Fasteners. For Ocean and Lake Trade. OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS BUFFALO, N. Y. BOILERS, TANKS and PLATE WORK OF ALL KINDS Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers