Pee June, 1916 Can You Beat This With Your Bilge Pump? By using Blackmer you have a pump for fighting fire and washing decks as well as bilge work. We specialize in Bilge pumps and guarantee them to please you. They are not an experiment as they have been in actual use for now upwards of nine years. A letter from any of our customers will prove to you they are superior. All pumps have but five working parts. No springs. Wear automatically taken up. Priming not necessary. BLACKMER ROTARY PUMP COMPANY PETOSKEY, MICH. SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines and Repairs. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Phone S. 163 MANUFACTURERS OF STAR BRAND kinds of heavy work BLOCKS and ee PUMPS No. 1811. P U M p ~ FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS, SewerDepartments, WaterWorks and Railroads. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. 124 Condor Street EAST BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORK OITY CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO 83 South Street 413 Fort Dearborn Bldg. 110 Market Street ESTABLISHED, 1854. * BLOCKS * Special Blocks of all styles for all STRONGEST BLOCKS MADE THE MARINE REVIEW 73 NICHOLSON the most advanced type of SHIP LOG Gives the mile- age sailed, and shows the exact speed per hour on a dial, record- = | ing iton achart for every minute of the trip. The Nicholson Recording Ship Log is installed on battle ships, passenger ships, bulk freighters, car ferries, yachts, and motor boats. Write for catalogue NICHOLSON SHIP LOG CO. Cleveland, O. Federal Boiler Inspection Easily Taken Care of by Falls Hollow Stays MASH rT SIZE OUTSIDE OR INSIDE DIAMETER. AVERAGE LENGTH OF HOLLOW BARS STAYBOLT. BARS.. | BOTH HOLLOW AND wo ( i MADE OF BEST QUALITY DOUBLE REFINED CHARCOAL /RON OR STEEL. CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. U.S.A. They eliminate drilling expenses and make unfailing tell-tales on fractured or broken stays. ‘They possess double the endurance of Solid Stays, and are a proof without test against broken stays FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT CO. CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO, U.S.A. STEAM STEERING ENGINES CAPSTANS WINDLASSES MOORING HOISTS DRILL HOISTS SPUD HOISTS, ETC. Write for new catalog just out Dake Engine Co. Grand Haven, Mich. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers