THE MARINE REVIEW 5 orn ALL = hs i= A Monthly Publication Devoted to Ship Building, Marine Engineering and : the Business of Transportation by Water. Published by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. IN THIS ISSUE PAGE A Fresh Point of View is Needed.... 195 New Barge Handles 2,800 Tons of Freight Sell Ships at: Auction... 456.0055 555>: Marine Use of Superheated Steam... Photographs from Far and Near..... Latest Marine News in Pictures..... Late Decisions in Maritime Law..... In the Traffic Manager’s Office....... 207 Efficiency in Harbor Transportation.. 207 Grace Line Plans New Pacific Service 208 German Ships in United States Ports 209 eoeocveeer eee eee eee eee eee eee e 204 205 206 PAGE Big Shipping Companies Change Hands 210 Builds Fast Steamer for Puget Sound 213 Compares U. S. and British Laws for Engineers What the Government is Doing...... Panama Canal “Reopetics. 2.23.6. Rebuild Historic Towboat.c2 2.0... 3. American Ship’ Yard Activities....... Sun Co. to: Build: Plant (oo oo. cones Motor Driven Ferry for Seattle...... Revive Lake Erie-Ohio River Canal.. 223 Gossip of the Coasts, Lakes and Rivers 227 New Equipment Afloat and Ashore... 230 eee eee ree eee eee eee eee oe | UTA BRANCH OFFICES 1521-23 Lytton Bldg. PITTSBURGH - - 404 Johnston Bldg. WASHINGTON, D.C. - 508 West Street Bldg) BIRMINGHAM, ENG. - - 2148-49 Oliver Bldg. 206 Corcoran Bldg. Prince’s Chambers CHICAGO CINCINNATI - NEW: YORK secret ZZ SS TE UT HURLING Subscription $2.00 per year postpaid, all over the world. Single copies 20 cents. Back numbers over three months, 50 cents, The Cleveland News Co. will supply the trade with The Marine Review through the regular channels of the American News Co. European Agents, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Entered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter. (Copyright 1916, by Penton Publishing Company)