10 THE MARINE REVIEW August, 1916 SUUUVAUUUUUUVHAEOEOA UAE Milwaukee Dry Dock Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin Ship Repairs of All Kinds Also Machine Shop for Engine Repairs p= oe eel We have two ship yards offering every facility for the repair of both steel and wooden vessels. South Yard Dock is 450 feet long on keel blocks; 460 feet over all; 60 feet width of gate and 16 feet over sill. West Yard Dock is 312 feet on keel blocks; 45 feet width of gate and 12 feet over sill. Rudder pit in each dock. Electric light for night work. Car Ferry ‘Grand Haven™ in Dry Dock Residence Phone Main Office at South Yard F. W. Smith, M . Telephone—Hanover 3 ial 467 ae Foot of Washington Street West Yard—Hanover 2555 ES ——————————————————— Ree ee eee ee ee er LL rr SLUGUNNIUUUUUUNGNNQQUUOOONNOQGCUUUGUOOSQOOUUOOOOUOSUOOOOUOOOOGOGOOOUAOOOOOOUOOOOOOSCOUOOOOAGGGOOUUUOOEG UD =I mT The Buffalo Dry Dock Company BUFFALO, N. Y. . With our excellent equipment we are enabled to do all kinds of ship repairs at reasonable cost to the owners, whose patronage is solicited with the guarantee of satisfaction in all particulars. EDWARD N. SMITH, Superintendent WILLIAM KNIGHT, Ass’t Sec’y and Treas. Office Telephone, Bell, 4055 Seneca: Federal, 22-531 Superintendent’s Telephone, Tupper 3012 Ass’t Sec’y’s Telephone, 324 North Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers