GEST IIE Ay August, 1916 — So RS SI, 2° ie, SS A <cact aes ——= > ee = hon Fs? " ao; TRY ao Ours is not the ordinary kind of dry dock.’ One of the distinct advan- tages that we have over others is the marine railway, which is 500 feet inlength. This railway allows us to haul out craft and move them around so that we can take advantage of our 5 acres of property, thus giving us an immense capacity. We employ a force of 75 men who have at their disposal every modern con- venience, including a complete mill for getting out material; a large up- to-the-minute, electric derrick; a great number of electric drills, etc. One of the boats on which we are now working, is the fuel lighter, Wm. G. Perry, owned by the Pittsburg Coal Co., length 175 feet; beam 34 feet. A ee? ROUT. Ce THE MARINE REVIEW A New, Complete Dry Dock , at Your Service! We Build, Rebuild and Repair anything that floats, up to 200 feet in length, and with draft not exceeding 12 feet. We specialize Large and small Vessels, Tugs, Power Boats and Yachts. Put your proposition up to us and you will not be disappointed. ROCKY RIVER - - - OHIO DEES ae SS See Se, PGT Ba? QoS Te etka X= > ET SIE EEE EN Soe” Tietjen & ie Dry De Dock Co. HOBOKEN, N. J. NINE DRY DOCKS General Repairs on Wooden and Iron Vessels FT. OF 17th STREET Telephone 700 Hoboken HOBOKEN, N. J. SSS es STAD er ION Panera? A Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers ROCKY RIVER DRY eaten COMPANY . dd Be. 11 Sj tee i ee a ss oo nl — SS ON eee etl a Ser erry RA PCR, Fe ES | Ree. =