August, 1916 Recent Ship Contracts Go To New Yards A continued expansion of ship building in American yards is shown by builders’. returns to the bu- reau of navigation, which record the number of steel merchant vessels build- ing or under contract to ‘be built in private plants of the United States on June 1 as 372, with a total aggregate gross tonnage of 1,147,534. This com- pares with 368 vessels of 1,129,014 gross tons on May 1, and is the highest total reported since the development of the in- dustry by war demand began. The num- ber of vessels completed during May was the largest recently reported, 13, as against six in April, five in March and six in February. An interesting feature of the statistics is that new ship yards just beginning operations furnished most of the in- crease during May. None of the large ship building establishments on the At- lantic coast reported new contracts, while one principal yard has announced that, as it is booked to capacity well into 1918, Record of RecentMonths Buiit or under New Vessels contract. contracts. completed. Gr. Gr. Gr. No. tons. No. tons. No. tons. 230 901,371 20 61,136 6 31,329 244 945,798 107 151,296 5 23,394 360 1,067,856 20 51,011 6 12,916 368 1,129,014 20 81,470 13 53,840 372 1,147,534 ee Taos SAM ber * 167 344,913. 30 121,478 *February; +March; ‘April; $May; {June. On the first bf month. it does not expect to book any more con- tracts during 1916. The largest vessel, for which a con- tract was awarded during May, was of 7,200 ‘gross tons, the Union Iron Works, San Francisco, reporting two bulk oil steamers ordered of that size. All but five of the vessels contracted for are of more than 5,000 gross tons, three of the five being oil barges of 500 tons each. The new contracts are divided, accord- ing to trade, as follows: Cargo carriers, 7; bulk oil carriers, 4; oil barges, o: river, 1; yacht, 1; not stated, 2. Sep- tember, 1917, is the latest date at which any of the vessels reported as ordered during May will probably be launched. The accompanying tables show ves- sels building or under contract to be built on the first of each month, be- ginning with February, 1916; new con- tracts during that month; vessels com- pleted during that month; tonnage build- ing or ordered on May 1, less tonnage completed in May; new tonnage ordered in May; the total for June 1, and details regarding the vessels contracted for during May. THE MARINE REVIEW 289 Total Tonnage Building in U. S. Yards *Merchant tonnage New contracts Merchant May 1, 1916, less closed construction completions. May, 1916. June 1, 1916. : Sipeete ge soe ———-_—--, parte te ih, 1 Name— No. ‘Tons. No, Tons. No. Tons. yAmerican Bridge Co., Ambridge, ‘Pa., and : ; eUentOn: Nid tei eae wk cee 112 53,564 2 1,160 114 54,724 American Shipbuilding Co., Cleveland.... 24 895200) tee ag ae 24 89,200 Baltimore Dry Docks & Shipbuilding Co., PALIN OSE iG bak Value Wares oy ke Fass 7 Da OOO aN 7 24,500 Bath, Iron Works, Bath, Me.....; Se sueseers 4 bg 5] 00 Ree RO EE Dine 4 £1,600 Charles. Barnes Co., Cincinnatis......... 1 800 s1 75 2 375 dChester Shipbuilding Co., Chester, Pa... 11 SS OOOn tes Seek ant: 11 53,600 Clinton Shipbuild’g & Repair Co:; Phila- vite (04 FBS on puta Ok DEAR A art a Sarde oye ements 1 1 50] Siig cane pa Se a ais 1 560 Cowles Shipyard Co., -Buffalo......;..... 2 is Clare pce eT 2 56 Ellicott Machine Corporation, Baltimore.. 3 P50 Serer a”, 3 750 Fore River Shipbld’g Corp., Quincy, Mass. 13 TQ;4O0 eh Oe hes ats 13 70,460 George Lawley & Sons Corp., Neponset, WAS co sriscvemie rar os cisigtauire. \ootn ne amma cs te ae 1 75 1 75 Great Lakes Engineer’g Works, Detroit... 16 POS 940 ee ee 16 $58,940 Great Lakes Towing Co., Cleveland....... Qi ELS ABR ae Rie ARR eee 2 1 Harlan & Hollingsworth Corporation, Wil- MINston, Wel ye eee 16 695306 sec 16 69,306 Howard Shipyards Co., Jeffersonville, Ind. 6 SAO i Rain, 6 3,400 James Rees & Sons Co., Pittsburgh sf.) 05 2 POO Ose Secs Sy 2 $300 Manitowoc Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Mianitaw0c;-° Wi8) 2.265. etek he ws 4 POO 02 exert rasa he 4 1,000 Maryland Steel Co., Sparrows Point, Md. 9 So,150 aa 57 400 LO 58,890 Milwaukee Bridge Co., Milwaukee........ 1 (e) ENR SRS ony pre Oea 1 (e) Merrill-Stevens Co., Jacksonville, Biase: 2 GAYA Uae receiey gua rae 2 2,200 Moore & Scott Shipbuild’g Co. Oakland, Cale navi cts tos oy 6 ey ee 4 PLO; O00 raise beatae mre 4 £16,000 Newport News sory dere & Dry Dock Coy. Newport. News, « Vail coc. seks 16 LUT 94 ate Se ces 16 111,947 New York Shipbld’g Co., Linen, Nishino 225 LOT 788s ea are eee 25 131,788 Pusey & Jones Co., Wilmington, Dele 7 BABB eo a ey bes 7 2,434 Quintard Iron Works, New York......... 1 900 eet teas 1 900 Seattle Cons. & Dry Dock Co., Seattle. . 7 42,600 .. Sali ety 7 42,600 Skinner & Eddy Corporation, Seattle. ene thee etary 6 35,720 6 35,720 Spedden Shipbuilding Co., Baltimore...... 3 JES UI Mop recrc gs Svea Spot 3 730 Standard Shipbuilding Corp., New York.. 3 TAA00o Sores ce ees 3 14,400 Staten Island Shipbuilding Corp., Port Richmonds sini WY ser et eee eo eta ants 5 PPA. Fees ns Re ecete er 5 5,241 Tampa Foundry & Melis Comcstampy Oske ed PIO OOM sree Pe os Garett ul 2,000 Tank-Ship Bldg. Corp., Newburgh, N. Y. .. 9 ..... 3 1,500 3 1,500 Toledo Shipbuilding Co., Toledo, O...... 11 DOs hOU erie wears 11 25,100 Union Iron Works, San’ Francisco, Cat, 21 151,458 2 14.400 23 165,858 Willamette Iron & Steel Works and North- west Steel Co., a OPO eee cs Spee on eee 4 22,800 4 22,800 Wm. Cramp & Sons Ship & Engine Build- ing Coe Philndelplta es auc wie ees 12 7854008 Sik is Oe 12 78,400 TODA css crs Gis ek arte Maa ar alana see ge es 352 £1,066,064 20 81,470 372 £1,147,534 * The following steel vessels were officially numbered and removed from the statement during May: Steamers Henry G. Datton, 7,810 gross tons; WINCHESTER, 399 tons; Cupapist, 5,788 tons; Conneaut, 4,749 tons; EpitnH J. Oscoop, 2,483 tons; City oF CaMDEN, 730 tons; Munsomo, 3,315 tons; Munprace, 3,315 tons. H. H. Rocers, 10,050 tons; Epcar L. Luckensacu, 8,061. tons; Munarsro, 4,385 tons; Mexican steamship CoanvuiLa, 2,585 tons, also completed; total, 13 vessels of 53,840 gross tons. +Detailed statement not received. Incomplete. d Corrected statement. e¢ Not reported. f Incom- plete. . Details of New Contracts Gross Speed Probable date Vessels. Owner. Trade. tonnage. knots. of launch. | Chas. Barnes Co. (not Kensell & Thompson.. River ...... 75 June 15, 1916. (named). Geo. Lawley & Sons W. Earle Dodge...... Macht. cas V5e LO, Vly 29 aes Corporation; No. 812. nn ieee Steel Co.; ; Bethlehem Steel Corp. Cargo ..... 53740 Ox 162) Skinner & Eddy Cor-: poration: : Jennette: Skinner. NOt: PIVEN ais. onc. thei ele aces 5-730; 1134. “Sept. 4 1916: Ethel Eddy...... NOE A giVel acc sar caer eee 9573082 1134) Oct, 1916. Nos Siac cae ace Stand. Oil Co. of N. J. Bulk oil.... 6,400 10% Dec., 1916, INGE Aeris aaa sail Stand. Oil Co, of N.: J. Bulk: ols... 6,400 1034... Feb... 1917. ae Deore cos eie onary Builders’ account..... Caton: ances 540004 11. July, 1947: any a RRR Builders’ account..... Cargo... 55730: 1134 Aue. 1997: Tank. "Ship B ui lding Corporation: : : , INO Dea na ae Sots Tampico Navigat’n Co. Oil barge... 500 .. Aug., 1916. NOs 20S aa, Tampico Navigat’n Co. Oil barge... 500 .. Aug., 1916. INO aGiieiec weet Tampico Navigat’n Co. Oil barge... 500 .. Sept., 1916. Union Iron oe : Nor 145225 . Pan-A’m Petroleum & Bulk oil.... 7,200 11 Aug., 1917. Transport Co. ; Nos 1463 wee DittG es ae ere Bulk oil.... 7,200 11 Sept., 1917. Willamette Ire & St’ Works and Morthwest Steel Co.: Lauritz Kloster.... Lauritz Kloster........ Catia: 2hoscs 5,700 10% Jan. 1, 1917. Ellen Kloster..... f auritz Kloster........ Cargo are: n,7002 1042) March 4) c1917 Peder Kleppe.... Peder Kleppe......... Cargoncasses 9,700, 1034: « June 1,194 Willey Gilbert.... Willey Gilbert........ Cargoeen ess 5,700 1034 Sept. 1, 1917.