70 THE MARINE REVIEW August, 1916 For Instance: If Hugh Chalmers’ faith in advertising could be wafted throughout the field of industry, prosperity would be at the door of every manufac- turer. Industry would never be stinted by pessimistic demands. Hugh Chalmers has invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising and has drawn a manifold reward in return. But Chalmers is just one of them. © There are scores in his class, all reaping their harvests. In a recent address before a group of business men, he said: “The two chief elements in successful business are advertising and salesmanship. Oral salesmanship is like individual teaching, while news- paper advertising, which is another form of salesmanship, is like a public school. You reach one person by one method, thousands or even millions, by the other method.” “There are only two excuses why a man should not advertise. One is because he has too much business, and don’t have to, and the other is because he has too little business and can’t afford to.” “Successful advertising is summed up in having the right idea, and using it at the right time.” “Advertising should be honest, sensible, and persistent. “Advertising must be persistent because the hardest thing to find is yesterday's newspaper. If you don't believe it, try it.’ “There may be some men who believe that because they have been in business in * * * * all their lives that they do not need to advertise. They are like the fellow wearing blue goggles who winked at a girl. He knew he was winking, but she didn’t. Just so, if a man does not advertise he may know he is in business, but the public is likely to be unaware of it.” The above applies to the Marine industry and to all other divisions of industry. Advertising is a necessary integral part of every successful sales organization. It is a business-builder. It endows the business organ- ization with a personality and gives to it prestige that neither flood nor fire can sweep away. Ihe MARINE REVIEW, therefore is the logical vehicle to carry your advertising to the marine trade. Please mention THe Marine Review when writing to Advertisers