(2 OT 7 E = 2 ail MORY L. FORD, the third typical Great Lakes freighter of the 12,- 000-ton class built at the Lorain, O., yards of the American Ship Build- ing Co. during the present season, was launched successfully July 15. A fourth freighter of this type is building at Lorain and will be launched before the close of the year. This activity con- trasts strongly with that of 1915, when only a single carrier of this class was constructed. The new boat is 600 feet over all, and has a keel 580 feet long. The beam of the vessel is 60 feet and the molded depth 32 feet. The big freighter was designed to carry a cargo of 12,000 tons, but at the present stage of the water in the lakes, her cargo carrying capacity. will easily reach 13,000 tons. The ship will be loaded A Snappy Summary of the Leading Events of the Month in the Vessel Construction Field through 36 hatches. Three Scotch boil- ers will provide steam for the triple ex- pansion engine. The boilers are 13% feet in diameter and are 11 feet. long. The cylinders of the engine are 24% x 41 x65 inches in diameter; the stroke is 42 inches. Emory L. Forp, in addition to the customary rooms for the officers and crew, has two rooms provided for the use of passengers. The new freighter was christened by Miss Elizabeth Miller, of Detroit, who successfully broke a bottle of wine over the bow of the ship as she slid easily down the ways into the water. The sponsor and party came from Detroit on the steam yacht GALATEA with E. L. Ford for whom the ship was named. The launching was also attended by a number of Cleveland and _ Pittsburgh ENON MM SS — = = Activities | TA wwIOoOnOiiOnOmOOOOOoOoioo CCK at Lorain people including H. K. Oakes, Cleveland manager of the Franklin Steamship Co., which will operate the boat. After the launching, the party came by special car and by motors to Cleveland where a luncheon was served at the Union Club. On the way to Cleveland a gold watch was given to Captain Sullivan by x the sponsor, Miss Miller, in behalf of. the Franklin Steamship Co. for his faithfulness during his 10 years of ser- vice with the company. After the lunch- eon, the launching party went to the Cleveland Country Club, the Detroit guests returning that evening on GALATEA which awaited them at the ‘club. An unusual incident which attracted attention to E. L. Forp during construc- tion, was the choice of the freighter as EMORY L. FORD LEAVING THE WAYS. INSERT SHOWS SPONSOR AND LAUNCHING PARTY 319