September, 1916 THE MARINE MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SHIPS TELEGRAPHS Rudder Indicators Shaft Speed Indicators Electric Whistle Operators Electric Lighting Equipments, Fixtures, Etc. Electric and Mechanical Bells Annunciators, Alarms, Etc. Loud Speaking Marine ‘Telephones Installations Chas. Cory & Son, Inc. 290 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK CITY Reliable Life Saving Equipment Cork life preservers crum- ble with age and decay from dampness. Pneu- matics puncture and leak. Universal Hanasith Life Preservers, Cushions, . sce Mattresses, Ring- buoys, etc., are age-proof, de- 9 i cay-proof, puncture- You Can t Sink! proof and water-proof— ‘ and_will float the heaviest —if supported bya person forever. Universal Ilanasilk -.. -Sold by reliable dealere. Life Preserver Write for particulars and prices. Robinson, Roders Co., Newark, N. J. \\ Branch Office—1933 Wentworth Aye., Chicago J ESTABLISHED 1844 A. SCHRADER’S SON, Inc. 783-791 ATLANTIC AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Manufacturer of HIGHEST AWARDS GOLD MEDAL at Jamestown Exposition 1907 GRAND PRIZE at Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition 1909 LARGE STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Furnishersto U.S. Navy and U.S.Army Engineer Corps. Outfits for Contractors, Waterworks, Sponge and Pearl Fishers, etc. REVIEW ENGBERG’S eG Sets are especially adapted for marine service. The fact they are exten- sively used by the United States and Canadian Gov- ernments is con- vincing proof they possess un- usual merit. Our iron clad guarantee stands } back of each ap-. paratus. Bulletins fully describing this equipment sent upon request. Direct or Alternating Current—1 to 75 KW Manufactured by ENGBERG'’S ELECTRIC & MECHANICAL WORKS 6 Vine St. ST. JOSEPH, MICHIGAN MODERN TUBE BENDING MACHINE RECENTLY INSTALLED BY RUSSIAN ADMIRALTY, BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT AND VARIOUS SHIP YARDS. Cut Your Costs. Better & Cheaper Bends Faster Work Makers of World’s Best Crude Oil Burners J. Fillmore Cox Engineering and Tube Bending Machine Works BAYONNE, N.J., U.S.A. Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers 61