October, 1916 WATERBURY CORDAGE For All Marine Uses In All Standard Grades Years of experience in rope mak- ing insures the very highest quality in respective grades. Write to our nearest office for prices and deliveries on Water- bury Cordage. ““Green Strand,’’ ‘‘Armored”’ and ““Fibreclad’? Wire Rope. WATERBURY COMPANY 63 PARK ROW, NEW YORK CHICAGO 3s Bie ace ds ere en rate 419 W. 12th Place DALLAS, TEX., Powell & Ellet Co., 911 Southwestern Life Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO 113 Davis St. NEW ORLEANS folic csce cones teen 1018 Maison Blanche Bldg. THE MARINE Also Waterbury > REVIEW 4500 H. P. De Laval Marine Reduction Gear DE LAVAL Geared Marine Steam Turbines The double-helical speed-reducing gear for steam turbine service was first intro- duced by De Laval in 1894. At present over 6500 De Laval Double- helical Speed-Reducing Gears are in successful operation. De Laval Gears are built by highly skilled workmen, from the best materials, and with equipment developed and improved by over 20 years of experience. All factors entering into the design have been chosen after long experience under practical operating condi- tions, and all parts are made on a limit gage, inter- changeable basis. The De Laval Double-helical Speed-reducing Gear is not an ingenious idea based upon imperfectly developed theories, but an accomplished fact. It is based upon the principle that a correctly cut gear, correctly mounted and protected from external dis- torting forces, will run smoothly and noiselessly and will not be subject to excessive wear or deterioration. If interested in saving weight and fuel, and in the greater simplicity and lower first cost of geared turbines for ship propulsion, write us, giving particulars of the proposed boat so that we may supply full information. We are prepared to furnish marine steam turbines and gears in any capacity and for any steam conditions. DE LAVAL Steam Turbine Co. TRENTON, N. J. 219 Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers 15