18 THE MARINE REVIEW October, 1916 “Having a PULL means having a friend in power who will act as a steam windlass for you.” The “Providence STEAM WINDLASS (Compound Spur Gears) has another kind of pull, and plenty of it. It has 15 per cent more pull than the worm geared types and at 50 per cent faster speed. You have been looking for just this combina- tion. Our price will please you, too. Write us today. AMERICAN ENGINEERING COMPANY SUCCESSORS TO AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. AND WILLIAMSON BROS. CO. MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS PHILADELPHIA 15-312 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SHIPS TELEGRAPHS Rudder Indicators Shaft Speed Unequaled Water Pressure at trivial expense Used extensively on Steam Ships, Barges and Wreck- ing Steamers. TITHE VANDUZEN “1”? Steam Jet Pump =| en eemaaaaaal ae Indicators Will raise a de lac quantity of clear or sand water per hour, eet vertically. . ° Can De gee hose and nozzle for fire purposes, Electric W histle etc. ade in several sizes. Operators Send for Catalog. E E. W. VANDUZEN COMPANY E. 2nd Street Cincinnati, Ohio Electric Lighting Equipments, Fixtures, Etc. STEAM STEERING ENGINES CAPSTANS WINDLASSES MOORING HOISTS DRILL HOISTS SPUD HOISTS, ETC. Write for new catalog; just out. I, Electric and Mechanical Bells Annunciators, Aiarms, Itc. Loud Speaking Marine Telephones gs eit Soon pee DAKE ENGINE CO. Grand Haven, Mich. New York Agent: Charles H. Hughes, Lord’s Court Bldg., 27 William St. Chicago Agent: J. E. Chisholm, : 1410 Fisher Bldg. Detroit Agent: Derrick Supply Co., 1070 Penobscot Bldg. Installations Chas. Cory & Son, Inc. 290 HUDSON STREET, NEW YORK CITY Please mention THE Martine Review when writing to Advertisers