October, 1916 Lighting. Burn Continuously From Eighty to Three Hundred and Sixty- five Days and Can be Seen a Distance of Six Miles Chicago THE MARINE. REVIEW PINTSCH GAS LIGHTED BUOYS Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian and United States Lighthouse Departments for Channel and Harbor Over 2,200 Buoys and Gas Beacons in service. Philadelphia Controlled by SAFETY CAR HEATING & LIGHTING CO. 2 RECTOR STREET, NEW YORK St. Louis San Francisco, Cal. Boston Montreal —BUILTF' BY— Superior Iron Works Company, Anchor Hoist Engines and Lock Plates for Operating Dredge and Drill Boat Anchors Double 6" x 6", 7" x 9" and 9" x 10" Throttle Reverse Engines With Gearing to suit the size of Anchors The Hoist is compact and efficient, and occupies no deck room. Any arrange- ment can be made to suit local conditions. We build the engines with either throttle or link reverse, as well as non- reversible and for a great many purposes. SUPERIOR, WIS. 79 Mooring Lines Ship Rigging Hoisting STOCKS ARE FI 165 W. Lake St., Chicago, Ill. 1 ‘* 1 Model B Pipe Cutter K% “14% 1 Junior Hinged Pipe Vise K% “14 1 10 in. Stillson Wrench ¥% ise) | IN A HARD WOOD CASE Manufactured by NEW YORK, 248 Canal St. Durable Wire Rope Co. 93-95 Pearl St., Boston, Mass. Water or Climatic Conditions FOR Towing Hawsers Stevedoring Dredging Boat Falls Coal Pockets Pile Driving BRANCH OFFICES Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers ARMSTRONG COMBINATION KITS CONSISTING OF 1 No. 2 Genuine Armstrong Stock 4 in. tolin. R TTED WITH BARD ADJUSTABLE BUSHING ENGINEERS AND FITTERS APPRECIATE THIS KIT. THE ARMSTRONG MFG. CO. 296 Knowlton St., BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Durable Wire Rope wili Not Rust or Rot and is not affected by Salt Tiller Ropes Yacht Rigging Fasts 701 St. Clair Ave. N. E., Cleveland, O. NEW YORK AGENTS: HEGEMAN & WARD, 43 SOUTH STREET