16 THE MARINE REVIEW _ December, 1916 an | Mari f Price or Less!!! = Marine Books at Half Price or Less:!: = = While They Last = = To reduce our stock to a minimum before taking inventory, we are offering = = subject to prior sale, the following list of Books at real bargain prices. = = Select the ones you want and write AT ONCE. In most cases we have only one copy ofeach == = and this offer applies only to those books we now have on hand. Additional copies cannot be supplied = _at these prices. = cont Remittance must accompany the order. It will be promptly returned if the book you want is == = gone. All prices include delivery. = = REGULAR BARGAIN = ee TITLE. AUTHOR. PRICE. PRICE. = = Audels Answers on Refrigeration............. ces eee eee e nent eens At ye a ioc $4.00 $1.50 a = Pome of the SOxtenty iy coi ees ee ces eee os Hee ee be eens Ac oye Hashes. io oe 1.00 50 = a Calculation for Marine Engineers............e eee e eect e eee ee nes MICA ei eo a a pes 3.00 1.00 = = Class Book of Naval OR GT IEVES Pe oe eae See ee Lovett 66 ee eo een Os 4.00 2.00 = = Elementary Questions and Answers for Marine Engineers........ (LOR seo MeCGIDDON. . 6.35 6. 2.00 1.00 — —| Piementuity. Naval Vactcs 66. cries eee de ee ee Bainbridee! oo acie ean tas 2.00 50 = = Ae Meeriian: TF ablea a ss kk he a eee had hes ce ee aoe ae ae ee oe 2.00 1.00 = = A OMNepidiah Paes ee ee en Fin Hae Fs RUSE Oe a Me oe eiee oe a s 5.00 2.00 = —— Electric Lighting for Marine praiaret® OR Sel yok dso Fa ued Oe . WANE cares. Sc 2.00 1.00 = = Baciieer se EMitOme 2 eee sae asa emties de en ee gee te es Mason Regulator Co........ 50 10 ad = Prod ool) to Sloat sete eV er eine oc eo spd Ao ee RMON cde ae ged oS 225 1.00 — = epeeteer OF HG Vy OEIC ce ie ke eB ain bo Wee cee 8 50 .10 = — Devries: (CVO 2) iy is os ee PV re gia vs ee oe BUTKOH Yue eels ess 3.00 1.00 = Bee Marine Gas PNGine. ccc. ccd cee eye oh Ce wkins Gare Paw Paes ek lable oo es ee 1.50 “+ 50 = ce Marine Cold Storage; Heating, Ventilation.......;....0.20....).- Walker 3.0500, eee eee ees 1.00 90 ae 4 Marine Engineer’s Drawing ale ee ee es He Alea UN OFW CLL conini s reqce oN 1.00 ao = = Marine Pnpinect Ss RUS i. cin cde ete Pee ek he Vat Re he es Seaton & Rounthwaite..... 3.00 1.00 = = Magnetism ‘and Deviation of the COMIpase. oro hae eee hoa atsley se Op ee ee 1.00 25 on = Magnetism, Deviation and Compass........... 0.0... cee eee eee Big es i err oes 1.00 Ao = — Nautical Teleerapn Cadeciss io ks ai ee (eens ge hig Ft Berard 345, oso .g hoe 1.00 50 ered = Nawak WMachwiery. (ca) fee hae Si es ee Le cee oe pees ees ae ee 2.00 1.00 = on Naval Reserve ‘Mans: Gutde coos lake cep Tees Bea etees PRA WHIMS As ose eee ce 2.00 1.00 ae —— New Catechism: of the Steam Engines.) ta, Bec ee Patterson: 2.0 .b ss. econ 1.00 25 = mee Plot Guides Spek oe et es ee eerie mas Slatkeycr tp cehewitorer. 1.50 50 = == Practical Design of Marine Boilers....... Bcd ies nea sees (Sra ois Scene ees 125 250, on = Pinks Water Navidation. ©) e457 oe ee i ce ee ee eee CPaaWOT ees bins es 5 25 = — Dock and Harbor Reference Books oo. ee el i ie ae Bryson: Cunnitigham......:. 5.00 * 2.00 = = Practical “Mathematics for: Engineers... 60 ic.he hees Seda binds Ee SLOVOHUGI cae ee een « 1.00 50 = = Sabot es Ses BOOK: occ eg chee re eened 100) Sate see yes ale eg tee & Rassers.: -i;, 1.00 90 ae oe Shin Wiring and. Putting can yi iaa eres tee Fo eles Cosine « TL eeM BOT is koe a as 75 “25 — = Sionalling and: British Signal: Manual: ol ess he caw 50 .10 = = Seryice Code for Naval: and: Military Officers... 200... eu. eee eee 1.25 90 ps —- Self-Instruction of Navigation (Third Edition)../.....¢0: 00.0 -.5 Sites or ce eee. Bee wate 3.00 1.00 = = Stairs aud Sektante eit uae ep eee ee ets tee Wt TIRE Ree Gries 1.00 50 = = Simple: Problems in: Matine: Engineering. 0000.6 obi. es cera 8 SOLED ee ei en obs sve sae Fs 1.00 50 = mee Slide Valves: cc ee a a arn Teneant & Kinnealy........ 25 10 =— = Small Pneines and Boiletei ss pee a oe es as WatSOn oat eee a $25 50 = = Steam Boilers . ic eo ee SGU Cy ees as Caan ee occ oi Pechedy & Millers. 640.3; 2.50 1.00 = = Steam: J atbines ooo. os ea cee ee en cere are ee A OINOS CPOE Cee ioe col ice 4.00 1.50 = = een 7 PAPNeS. oss a ec Eh a es Mover. 7 co ee cr, 4.00 1.50 == = RISES OF HAICCIFICItY ON: SMINOOTO Ga, cos cake Vee ee coe N aw 1.00 50 = = + Verbal Notes and Sketches for Marine Engineers........:....... MORNEING i seca eee 5.00 2.00 = men Valve Genre and Indicatots: (02.50 ei hie A eee re Deland-Dow 20 ia es 1.50 50 = ma Walve setting Record Dotke. 1.06. ee es Boe LO Wiss ee cae ae uals 90 25 — Re WATE i he ene ey we ieee eens BEWOOG, Cale nr eee cers acy, 3.00 1.00 = = Elementary Mathematics for Marine Engineers.................. OUNCE Cee a ines es Ce 1.00 (e550 os = Mechanics for Marine Pncineers. 0... ce ee oe A. ON. ‘Somerscales: 020.040. 1.00 50 coed = Indicator Diagrams for Marine Bagineers..6. 0.03 Greenwood-Rosser ........ 3.00 1.00 = = Plongravie “fh cter Wier otic) cere ae cua ayia eee rss WHEREIS Wort ack oa tg hs cea 2.00 1.00 — = Martine Review Course Pinder:: 40070508 22 ee, OT, eee was eye 2.00 50 = = Course and: peating Corrector. nas. ae ya i ek PONG eevee pei Cua 2.00 50 = — Blue Book of American Shipping. (Last Edition—1913).......... 5.00 1.00 =a coe ? — = PENTON’S BOOK NEWS = = PENTON BUILDING oo ead CLEVELAND, OHIO » = Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers