December, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 19 Safety First Electricity on board ship minimizes the perils of the sea. When emergency arises, lights can Here is a list of G-E be flashed on in an instant all over the boat. Products designed A searchlight also can be made to concentrate especially ter ave its powerful beam, wherever desired. ne Poe Internal Combustion Gen- erating Sets. Put Electricity On Your Boats Stam Engine Generator Turbo Generators. MAZDA Lamps. It may save you thousands of dollars when emergency ars bees é ee , Searchlights—Incandescent calls. You can install electricity on any boat. If you and Are. already have steam, enquire about a G-E engine or ie He : ; ‘ Wire and Cable. turbine....1f steam is not available, a G-E Internal Wishes Dec, Combustion set is the most reliable and economical ies i ‘ Electric Bake Ovens and unit for power generation. Ranges. : é : Electric Radiators—Tubu- Let our engineers figure on the electrical equipment lar and Luminous. for your boats—safety first at sea. eneral Electric Company Atlanta, Ga. Cleveland, Ohio General Office: Schenectady, N.Y. Minneapolis, Minn. Rochester, N. Y. Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ohio Nashville, Tenn. St. Louis, Mo. Birmingham, Ala. Dayton, Ohio ADDRESS NEAREST _ OFFICE New Haven, Conn. Salt Lake City, Utah Boston, Mass. Denver, Colo. ace ie La a7 Trangia. Ge : , N.Y. chenectady, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Des Moines, Iowa Jacksonville, Fla. Los Angeles, Cal. Niagara Faille, N. Y. Seattle, Wash. Butte, Mont. Duluth, Minn. Joplin, Mo. Louisville, Ky. Neb Spokine Wash ° h , Omaha, Neb. p : 5 Charleston, W. Va. Elmira, NEY: Kansas City, Mo. Memphis, Tenn. Philadelphia, Pa. Springfield, Mass. Charlotte, N. C. Erie, Pa. Knoxville, Tenn. Milwaukee, Wis. Pittsburg, Pa. Syracuse, N.Y. Chattanooga, Tenn. . Fort Wayne, Ind. Portland, Ore. Toledo, Ohio Chicago, Ill. Hartford, Conn. _ For Michigan business refer General Electric Providence, R. I. Washington, D. C. Cincinnati, Ohio Indianapolis, Ind. Company of Michigan, Detroit, Mich. Richmond, Va. Youngstown, Ohio For Texas, Oklahoma and Arizona business refer to Southwest General Electric Company (formerly Hobson Electric Co.)—Dallas, El Paso, Houston and Oklahoma City. For Canadian business refer to Canadian General Electric Company, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. 6300 Please mention THE Marine ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers