December, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW 63 TCL MARINE ¢ PAINTS B. P. 5. TRADE MARK REGISTERED BEST PAINT SOLD There are many kinds of sheet packing. Some kinds give service for but a short time. These, regardless of cost, are expensive. Other kinds give long service—profitable service. These, if bought at a reasonable price, are economical. N.B.O. Sheet Packing is the Economical kind of sheet packing. It is the “cheapest per year’ ’ sold, because it gives FOR EVERY PART OF EVERY SHIP “B. P. S.”> Marine Paint will make your ship more you the most service for your money. “N. B. O.” is unequaled as a joint packing, not only on steam lines, but also on ammonia, gas, oil and alkali. Well be glad to send you a sample piece large enough for you to give it a satisfactory trial. attractive—and it’s an unequal- ed preservative, too. Write us at once for prices—we’ll show you how to save money. Write today for our illustrated catalog HomeE RUBBER Co. TRENTON, N. J. Chicago The Patterson-Sargent Co. Cleveland New York STRATFORD OAKUM QUALITY GUARANTEED JERSEY CITY and EVERYWHERE GEO. STRATFORD OAKUM CO., 165 Cornelison Ave., Jersey City, U.S.A. The Allen Dense-Air Ice Machine contains no chemicals. It is placed in the engine room, while the ice-making box and meat rooms are at distant places of the steamer. a | i MANUFACTURERS OF The Clothel Company | | "<2" Low Pressure REFRIGERATING MACHINES Over two hundred in daily service in the tropics on men-of- war, steam > yachts and 1 &- : Zy ‘A il cs gee j j 2a SS 5 \ Marine Work a Specialty Ee: rs Y (a —— PORE Office: me ee : Y H. B. ROELKER, Besisnryand Manutc - e a 9 turer of Screw Propellers 61 Broadway NEW YORK, N ean ve Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers W YORK