December, 1916 TURBINE STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD King Iron Works BUFFALO, N. Y. Manufacturers of High Grade PROPELLER WHEELS Marine Engines Brass and Iron Casting Large variety of Grate Bars in stock Write for particulars and testimonials. U. S. Metallic Packing ROR. Gs Marine Engine Piston Rods and Valve Stems The U. S. Metallic Packing Co., PHILADELPHIA, PA. Write for Catalog Federal Boiler Inspection Easily Taken Care of by Falls Hollow Stays ANY SIZE,OUTSIDE OR INSIDE DIAMETER. AVERAGE LENGTH OF HOLLOW BARS BOTH HOLLOW AN. : | MADE OF BEST QUALITY DOUBLE REFINED CHARCOAL / IRON OR STEEL. CUYAHOGA FALLS. 0. U.S.A. They eliminate drilling expenses and make unfailing tell-tales on fractured or broken stays. They possess double the endurance of Solid Stays, and are a proof without test against broken stays FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT CO. CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO, U.S A. Please snention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers PARSON’S MARINE TURBINES W.& A. FLETCHER COMPANY, Hoboken, N. J. H. G. Trout Company THE MARINE REVIEW | 67 Marine Engines, Boilers and Machinery of All Kinds Contractors for Vessels Complete Meet meat —igermon “s For Value the an Service, ‘ TULLER f plomse Com- is ort “” HOTEL TULLER Detroit, Michigan Center of business on Grand Circus Park, Take Woodward car, get off at Adams Avenue ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 200 Rooms, Private Bath, $1.50 Single, $2.50 Up Double 200 “se oe oe 2.00 “ 3 00 ee oe 100 a OBO ao ee 100 ss $6 *¢ 3.00 to 5.00 ** 4.50 ‘* . Total 600 Outside Rooms ALL ABSOLUTELY QUIET Two Floors—Agents’ Sample Rooms New Unique Cafes and Cabaret Excellente MANUFACTURERS OF STAR BRAND * BLOCKS * Special Blocks of all styles for all kinds of heavy work STRONGEST BLOCKS MADE BLOCKS and PUMPS FOR MARINE CONTRACTORS, p U M p S SewerDepartments,WaterWorks and Railroads. BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. 124 Condor Street EAST BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO SAN FRANCISCO 33 South Street 413 Fort Dearborn Bldg. 110 Market Street