December, 1916 THE MARINE REVIEW oramnrsmmai/i3): 3. a ae — on ‘aoe ee ee 6 ®@ 8 @ & Saat eeawaers awe A Monthly Publication Devoted ce Ship Building, Marine Engineering and : the Business of Transportation by Water. Published by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. IN THIS ISSUE PAGE Fifty-One Who Did Not Die in Vain... 407 Maritime Events in Pictures......... Auxiliaries Built at Toledo Yard....... 408 How the Dreadnought was peeved. Death of James C. Wallace ~ 416 Arizona in Commission, ics ers: Dake Erie Ore Receipts....-..3.2.40.... 416 . Im the Trafic Manager's. Ofice......... Ore Shipments ...... : 416 Barge Canal a Great Connecting Link. Ofigin ‘of Martine: Insurance: .... ss: 03, 412 “Cunard: Fleet ‘Growing: 3.000 a ne. os Commercial Boat to be Private Yacht... 418 Four Vessels Founder in Big Gale..... Launch 37,000-ton Vessel....... Jc Alon Campornia s Weel: Laid on. jouceea. Canadian Ship Yard Sold... ... 5: later 4a ore Work tor U.S. Yards. ic. eee. Tank Yard 1s Busy... cosas es M19" What the Gévernment is Doing... (0.:: Improvements at Bath... . 0. fce.. 420 Bids for Many Warships are Opened. Tunnel Steamer for Tropical River...:. 420 President Suspends Act:.............. Ship Dictator Wanted in England....... 421 On the Coasts, Lakes and Rivers...... Camera Catches Marine News...... 422 ‘Red Hot Tips from the -Trade........ BRANCH OFFICES CHICAGO =.- 1521-23 Lytton Bldg. PITTSBURGH - - 2148-49 Oliver Bldg. CINCINNATI - , 404 Johnston Bldg. WASHINGTON, D. C. - 206 Corcoran Bldg. NEW YORK 508 West Street Bldg. BIRMINGHAM, ENG. - Prince’s Chambers Subscription $2.00 per year postpaid, all over the world. Single copies 20 cents. Back numbers over three months, 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. will ‘supply the trade with The Marine Review through the regular channels of the American News Co. European Agents, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Entered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter. (Copyright 1916, by Penton Publishing Company) Please mention THE MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers