December, 1916 SSX RATES Q ments accepted for less than $1.00. HUTTUUv' T'=T nmi mititninvrD>iiiIumlninG=ptV=tviiiiiitiiitititttTTTJlKGaKHEhs. Help Wanted MALE HELP WANTED (TRADES). Boat builders and cabinet makers. Steady em- ployment. <A. G. Cuthbert & Co., 3033 N. Rockwell St., Chicago, IIl. SALESMAN WANTED: — and successful salesman wanted, solder, babbitt metal, lead pipe and _ other white metal alloys, reaching the hardware, mill, plumbing supply and manufacturing trade, as a side line, on commission basis. RELIABLE to handle For full particulars apply to Roland W. Den- nis, 736 East 14th St., New York City. Ship Building ARTHUR LANGELL, Ship Building and Repair Yard Electrically equipped. Best of service and rate guaranteed. Steel parts reinforced and shaped. Machine shop conveniences, ST. CLAIR, MICH. For Sale FOR SALE:— LOCOMOTIVE CRANES, McMyler revolving derricks, with clam shells, The Cleveland & Erie Machinery Co., Uni- versity and Scranton Rds., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE:—STEAMER MOHEGAN IN thorough condition throughout; rates 95 high power; two new Scotch boilers 11 ft. 6 in. x 14 ft. 6 in.; steel boiler house; ; dry dock; will run 12 miles an hour light or loaded; capacity 1,200 M. ft. lumber; 1,600- 1,700 tons coal. Address Graves, Bigwood & Go., Butftalo; -N.. *Y: FOR SALE FOR CASH. HAVE SMALL wooden steamer in first-class condition, which will carry around 350 tons of coal. Address Box 140, THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleve- land, O. FOR SALE:—MARINE BOILER 5 FT. diameter by 10 ft. long. Also 124 ea high pressure marine engine in first-class con- dition. M. J. Hingston, Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE: — ONE 8 x 8 GLOBE Windlass, weight about 12,700 lbs. 134 in. chain on wild-cat at 400 piston speed with 80 lbs. steam pressure, about 70 Eee, Windlass is in good condition with exception of broken wildcat and is located on Railroad platform at Conneaut Harbor, O., where it can be seen and purchased at a reasonable figure. Marquette & Bessemer Dock & Navigation Co., Conneaut Harbor, O. FS] SOUVEDIUOUI OAL TUUTA ETAT EET ETE THM sHUUUULEUUAAUUUUQUUULAOUEUVULLAUULSANTEN1 All Classified Ads.—four cents (4c) per word. No advertise- Remittance should accompany order for one-time ads. recently in ~ THE MARINE REVIEW Wanted and For Sale For Sale PLANT FOR SALE:—ONE 3-CU. YD. dipper dredge; 1 Tug boat, 13 x 15 cylinder, hull 40 feet x 13 feet x 6 feet; 3 derrick scows; 1 flat scow 76 feet x 24 feet x 7 feet 6 inches; two 300-cubic yard mud scows; one 1%-yard orange peel bucket; one 1%-yard Williams clam shell bucket; one direct con- nected 34-cubic yard concrete mixer; one marine lake type boiler 16 feet long, 9 feet in diameter, but for 145 pounds working pressure heating surface 2,400 square feet. Great Lakes Construction Co., 1020 Leader- News building, Cleveland, O. TUG ENGINE. 20 x 20 HIGH PRESSURE TUG EN- gine. Almost new. For sale at a reasonable price. The Central Dredging Co., Swetland building, Cleveland, O FOR SALE:—STEAMER HENRY HAR- ley, 160 x 31. Isaac T. Rhea, Nashville, Tenn. FOR SALE:—DIPPER DREDGE, DUMP- ers, tug Ruby and steamer Pathfinder. Path- finder entirely rebuilt 1915. Ruby allowed 135eolbsio steam. + .3e: Schnorbach, Muske- gon, Mich. FOR SALE: — PASSENGER STEAMER Grandon, composite build, in good repair, very economical in motor boat class. Also 6-in. direct connected and sand pump. Freyensee Brothers, Sandusky, O DOCK FOR RENT. River front dock about 250 feet in North Tonawanda, N. Y. Immediate possession Erie and New York Best shipping facilities with 10 years option, Central on property. in port. Address Dock, P. O. Box 74, North Tonawanda, N. Y. FOR SALE. AN IDEAL’ SHIP BUILDING SITE IN ._GREATER NEW YORK A large tract of land of 50 or more acres, with 2,000 or 3,000 ft. of water frontage, 20 to 30 ft. depth of water; ideal location being in greater New York, excellent labor condi- tions, transit and shipping facilities. E. E. Suydam, Third Ave. and Eighth St., College Point, “Ee. -NeoY: MMMM O YOU WANT TO BUY, SELL OR CHARTER TUGS, FREIGHT VESSELS, "PASSENGER SHIPS, YACHTS, MARINE BOILERS, ENGINES, ETC.? Let us Have Your Inquiries on Equipment You Wish to BUY OR SELL. CHICAGO STEAMBOAT EXCHANGE sat HT TTT Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers Seven (7) words must be allowed for box address. To insure insertion, copy should reach us before the 9th of the month. 350 NORTH CLARK STREET, N — “Cee vA IMPORTANT For Sale FOR SALE: — TWO SCOTCH MARINE boilers, 11 ft. 6 in. diameter, 13 ft, long; allowed 150 lbs. steam. Last inspection 1914, Pringle Barge Line Co., 327 Rockefeller Bldg., Cleveland, O. FOR SALE. Two Telemotors formerly on U. S. tugs at Panama and practically new. Will be sold at a fraction of their original cost. Marvin Briggs, Inc., 167 Sixth St. Brooklyn, N. Y. nn FOR SALE:— STEAM LIGHTER EVELYN N. Thaw. - River freight boat draws 6 ft. water loaded, carries 100 tons. Steam pro- pellers, steam windlass, steam derrick, hoist 10 tons, makes 7 miles an hour, with sails set, with steam help. good rough water boat, 7 years old, make great boat for southern freighting. Address oe ne THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleve- and, O. 10 miles Oak frame, ees FOR SALE:—80-FT. STEEL TUG. LUM- ber barge 500 M capacity. Full particulars from L. S. Brittain, Saugatuck, Mich. See aT SPI es Sl AAO PT PR CRE FOR SALE: — ONE SCOTCH MARINE Boiler. One thousand feet of one and one half inch Stud Link Cable Chain, also one first-class Derrickscow, one of the best equipped on the Great Lakes. For further particulars Address T. L. Durocher, Mar- quette, Mich. . pS SION GIONS See aa Maer iin oeea AR nba eee gsi oy STEAM LIGHTER GLOBE FOR SALE or charter, equipped with two fore and aft compound engines, low pressure, new boiler, 150 lbs. steam and four drum hoisting engine, can be worked single.. A 65-ft. boom one and a half yard grab. Cargo capacity 225 tons. Has had thorough overhauling and is in first-class condition. Rockaway White Sand Co., 160 Fifth avenue, New York, N. Y. Wanted WANTED:—MARINE ENGINE Vertical compound—500-1,000 H. PR. Wm. Horne, 51 Clark St., Brooklyn, N. Y. WHAT BOATS HAVE YOU FOR SALE or charter. Want to hear from any person who has a boat for sale or for charter next year. Address Box 141, THE MARINE RE- VIEW, Cleveland, O. WANTED:—HARBOR TUGBOAT, 75 TO 90 ft. in length with single high pressure en- gine 16 x 16 to 20 x 20. Hull and machin- ery must be in good condition. Answer giv- ing complete description, price and where boat can be inspected. Address Box 142; THE MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland, O. CHICAGO, ILL. CTT TET TTT TEE TLL al /