THE MARINE REVIEW December, 1916 Ee A J S ‘ Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. 65 Dixon, Joseph, Crucible Co.. 18 Johnston Brothers .......... 12 Safety Car Heating & Light- American Engineering Co.... 18 Donnelly, William T......... 2 hake Oo Whagisremeb coasts ori raratart 75 Aarierioan’: Taine s¢ Gis o couse 6 <0) s 69 Drein, Thos., & Son Company 59 K Schrader’s, A., Sons, Inc.... 69 American Manganese . Bronze Durable Wire Rope Co...... Vis) Seattle Construction & Dry CO, eee c cece e settee eens 14 Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons.... 59 Dock Company ........-.. 11 American Screw Propeller Co. 61 E Kidd, Joseph & Son......... 62 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co.... 73 American Ship Building Co.. 20 Kingsford Fdy. & Mch. Wks. 65 Siggers & Siggers........... 70 Armstrong Mig. Co.......... 75 Eckliff Automatic Boiler Cir- Mercer 20 Bas esate: 58 Southern-Rome Company .... 57 Ashton Valve Company...... 65 BUlAtOe COL y een 17. Spencer & Spencer.......... 58 Blectric. Control: Coc i.icc. LYE L Standard Bridge Tool Co.... 76 B Electro-Dynamic Company 70 St. Lawrence Marine Railway Lake Erie Boiler Works..... Ta ed. Cn Gia. ‘oo “ ote "a LS ciples Spee 2 F Hae Erie Dry Dock & Mill . Bidlivad, D., Company. OF abcoc UGOR 2COnc. eae Be tun sex ee tie psy as seta. Fecne WWarkds Coma oe : es Falls Hollow Staybolt Co.... 67 Lane, C. M., Life Boat Co.. 59 Dea ; ae pany pulang erin s Oe 4g farey, Pawerd Ps Co... 62. Lillie, Lillie & Lillie......... 5g Superior Ship Building Co... 6 catia, Ave W a 61. Bletcher,, W: & A., Company. 67 Locomotive Superheater Co.. 17 Mupton Steam “trap. CO... ss: 61 Fore River Ship Building Cor- ieorain Coal. & «Dock Cava. 74 7 Bath Iron Works, Ltd....... 12 Ft near or ee iy cpa pee Pump Co.. We De ae a SNE ee Tee M Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 11 olan ove avclb Luk: peeane equeras : : s Aa Boston & Lockport Block Co. 67 G McArthur Portable Fire Es- as (ge ey aan a Brauer, Justus & Son........ 59 G f @iasiic Compan 19 Capes COn adem acess cane 59 A | En Te ges ie DE OI “ Buffalo Dry Dock Company.. 10 eaeta Se Oats ee? 58 McNab Company |........... eh alae ero ome Paar uae orate Gilchrist, Albert J.....+..-- Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co... 12 Goldschmidt Thermit Company 73 Milwaukee Dry Dock Co..... 10 C Goulder, White & Garry..... SE Mcore, & Seatt Tron: Works. 812 U Griscom-Russell Co. ........ 61 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc. 59 Chase Machine Co........... 70 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co. 72. U- S. Metallic Packing Co... 67 Chicago Ship Building Co.... 6 H Glothel Company. .....56.6.. 63 N V Collingwood Shipbuilding Co. 8 Hall, Geo., Coal & Coke Co. 65 : ; Commercial Boiler Works.... 65 Hanna, M. A., Oneness 74 Nicholson Ship Log Co..... 14 Vv & Continental Iron Works...... 2° Hartshorne, Insley & Leake.. 58 ven JOY SC ACO Her Sos 60 Co-Operative Grain Trimmers. 60 Holding, Masten, Duncan & P anduzen, E. W., Company.. 61 Cory, Chas., 6 <Son, inc, ..-. 14 MOGI ie PRE Gee ere. sho is tentalie'e 58 Cox, J. Fillmore, Engrg. & Home Rubber Co....30l04 4. 63; Patterson-Sargent: Co... 0)... 63 Ww Tube Bending Mach. Works 69 Hotel Tuller .........+....-. 67 Peerless Ice Machine Co..... 57 Cummings Ship Instrument Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKee- Penberthy Injector Co....... 76 Wrorke ies he er ewes 76 han WAnidrewSiiwcy ct cise 58 Pickands, Mather & Co...... f4 Wager, (Robert: ciao. asi. 57 CUIEr. PRODETEC is io oa areca os 62. Haitchinson).c Con. wane 60 Walker, Thomas & Son, Ltd. 69 : x R baer Charles, Engineering T : (Chel RSA EGA RAG anit heen ei 14 D Reid, John & Company...... 62 Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill. 58 Independent Pneumatic Tool Richardson, W. C., & Co.... 60 Waterbury Company ........ 15 Dake. Engine Cox i.06.0.. 56 65 (Grovechovsoaly tic eee owas ceca 2: Ritchie, ES... & Sons... +. 72 Welin Marine Equipment Co. 59 Davidson & Hudson......... 58 International Mercantile Ma- Robinson; ; Roders Co. cy. 3: 69 Westinghouse Machine Co... 3 Delany, (Po & Cosas 65 Pine CO at coats 69 Rocky River Dry Dock Co... 13 Whiting, John L.-Adams, J.J... 73 De Laval Steam Turbine Co. 15 International Oxygen Co..... 7% Roelker, Ho Bie ies wie ae 63 Williams,’ William E.:...:... Detroit Shipbuilding Company 8 Isherwood, Weiss se at 9. Ross, Valve Mig: Go. sa. a 61 Cone Bei Cae aan Front cover Ask your Dealer for the ‘‘Rutchie’’ Ritchie Liquid Co => oo eo oe or E. S. RITCH BROOKLINE, MASS., U. S. A. mpass STANDARD the World over And used exclusively in U.S. navy for over 4o years. Magnets for adjusting purposes IE & SON Se ee | LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS BUFFALO, N. Y. BOILERS, TANKS and PLATE WORK OF ALL KINDS ST. LAWRENCE MARINE RAILWAY COMPANY OGDENSBURG, N. Y. Carriage accommodates every ship of Welland Canal size. Fully equipped for repairs to Wood and Steel boats. BOILER AND MACHINE SHOP HIGH CLASS WORK THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY Main 272 Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 Manufacturers of the Mulholland Security Hatch Fasteners. Lake Trade. OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES a_i Seen eenessessnsssensnssmeeescreno 5, Simplex and For Ocean and Pleose mention THE MarRIne Review when writing to Advertisers