+ January, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW ‘A Trade Paper is valuable to a company from an advertising standpoint only when it is valuable to the industry it represents from an educational standpoint.’’ The Marine Review. Read—then You be the Judge. TELEPHONE MAIN 543 ra « a, Coastwise Steamship & Barge Co., Ltd. pci au OF VANCOUVER. B. C. — Ddigvonlitciand cose e e B CABLE ADDRESS Onastmiae Steamship x Barge Cn. Aine sURNEE panini OF SEATTLE, WASH. MRROBAN “BARRACOUTA" a JAMES GRIFFITHS & SONS “GEN. FAIRCHILD’ ee GENERAL AGENTS eae Uda 502 BURKE BLDG. “JOHN C, POTTER’ “LOUISIANA” SENTLEY'S SEATTLE, WASHINGTON “ST. DAVID” July. 6th, 1916. Mr. H. Cole Estep, Editor, The Marine Review, Cleveland, Ohio. My dear Mr. Estep:- I have your letter of the 17th inst., and must apologize for delay in answering, but you will realize how extremely busy we have been this year. We all think very highly of the "Marine Review", and are constant readers of it, but at the same time it is rather difficult to say exactly how we make use of it in our business. Articles such as the one covering the "Auxilliary Schooner City of Portland"; the one covering "Schooners for the West Coast Lumber Trade" by Bob Hill, and, particularly the article on "Diesel Engines for Marine Service" are an absolute necessity to a marine man who desires to keep abreast of the latest developments on shipping on the Pacific Coast, and we fine that the "Marine Review" has more of this class of article than any nautical publication that we know of. The pictures are always a leavening feature, and in your June news of Shipping in the United States you are certainly up to the minute. You will be interested to learn that we have recently purchased the Hall Brothers Marine Railway and Shipbuilding Co. This yard has long been associated with the highest type of schooners and steam “ gchooners. Mr. John L. Hubbard will continue as general manager, and we believe that the new corporation, known as the Winslow Marine Railway and Shipbuilding Co., is destined to become intimately associated with the development of the Diesel Engined Auxilliary Lumber Schooncrs. Mr. C. C. Lacey, formerly Marine Superintendent of the Great Northern Railway Co., has joined us as assistant manager. The officers of the company are: James Griffiths, President, Stanley A. Griffiths, Secretary & Treasurer, John L. Hubbard, General Manager, Cc. C. Lacey, Assistant General Manager. With best regards, I remain, Yours very truly, oe : SAG 'GM 220 Please mention THE Marine Review when writing to Advertisers 67