January, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW | 5 z ERR RUA 6 6 en a oe we ee & B ® & & Snes GQnwure a wse A Monthly Publication Devoted to Ship Building, Marine Engineering and the Business of Transportation by Water. Published by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. IN THIS ISSUE Look You to the Hardy Norseman Passenger Rates Boosted New Car Ferry for Ocean Service Business Ahead for Five Years Meeting of Society of Naval Architects Late Decisions in Maritime Law and Marine Engineers Photographs from Far and Near American Ship Yard Activities Los Angeles Ship Yard.. New Ship Yard at Tacoma : d Charles W. Morse to Build Steamers. Lake Erie Ore Receipts What the Government is Doing... New Gearing for Ship Propulsion Great Naval Building Program Under The Value of a Watertight Deck Way ... Invest $85,000,000 in Marine Firms November Lake Levels. In the Traffic Manager’s Office World Looking to U. S. for Ship Yards Great Lakes Ore Rate $1 New Pumping Equipment for Tanker... Bright Future for American Marine. Ore Shipments Smash Records BRANCH OFFICES CHICAGO: - - 1521-23 Lytton Bldg. PITTSBURGH - - - 2148-49 Oliver Bldg. CINCINNATI - 404 Johnston Bldg. WASHINGTON, D. C. - 206 Corcoran Bldg. NEW YORK 508 West Street Bldg. BIRMINGHAM, ENG. - Prince’s Chambers Subscription $2.00 per year postpaid, all over the world. Single copies 20 cents. Back numbers over three months, 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. will supply the trade with The Marine Review through the regular channels of the American News Co. European Agents, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. e Entered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter. (Copyright 1917, by Penton Publishing Company) Please mention THE MarIne REvIEW when writing to Advertisers