January, 1917 MODERN TUBE BENDING MACHINE RECENTLY INSTALLED BY RUSSIAN ADMIRALTY, BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENT AND VARIOUS SHIPYARDS. Cut Your Costs. Better & Cheaper Bends Faster Work Makers of World’s Best Crude Oil Burners J. Fillmore Cox Engineering and Tube Bending Machine Works BAYONNE, N.J., U.S.A. Universal Ilanasilk Life Preservers are approved by the U. S. Steamboat In- spection Service for use on all vessels. Safety Pillows and Mattresses filled with Ilanasilk are used by S. Navy and other vessels. Every vessel afloat should have them. You Can’t Sink! —if supported by a Universal Ilanasilk Life Preserver “Safety on the water’ a free booklet, describes the Universal Ilanasilk line completely. Write for it. Robinson, Roders Co., Newark, N. J. i Branch Office—1933 Wentworth Ave., Chicago ESTABLISHED 1844 A. SCHRADER’S SON, Inc. 783-791 ATLANTIC AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Manufacturer of Apparatus HIGHEST AWARDS D MEDAL at Jamestown Exposition 1907 GRAND PRIZE at Alaska Yukon Pacific Exposition 1909 LARGE STOCK re a des ON Piatt s i to U.S. Navy and U.S. Army ngineer Corps. Gulate pine Coirseay Waterworks, Sponge and Pearl Fishers, etc. THE MARINE REVIEW 69 WE DESIGN AND BUILD MARINE MACHINERY and Contractor’s Equipment such as Anchor Hoists, Deck Winches, Pawl Posts, Derricks, Etc. Our own equipment, i. e., ability to design such machinery, and long experience enables us to solve many of your problems. If you are in a position to know what orders you'll have to place for spring delivery, we beg the privilege of figuring on them now. Our quiet season is usually in the fall. This fall, however, we were crowded with work. Our usual busy season, winter, bids fair to find us busier than ever, with men and materials un- usually scarce. Therefore you can appreciate our request; let us figure NOW on work you have in view for next spring. It will save you delay, annoy- ance and expense. SUPERIOR IRON WORKS COMPANY Frank Hayes, President SUPERIOR, WIS. | AMERICAN LINE The Only Trans-Atlantic Passenger Steamers Under the American Flag FAST EXPRESS SERVICE NEW YORK | LIVERPOOL “St. Louis’’ ‘St. Paul’’ ‘‘New York’’ ‘‘Philadelphia’’ ‘*Finland’’ ‘‘Kroonland’’ 9 BROADWAY, NEW YORK Pier 62, North River, Foot of West 23rd St., New York Northwest Corner 11th and Locust Sts., St. Louis 121 South Third St., Minneapolis 319 Geary St., San Francisco 619 Second Ave., Seattle 41 King St. East, Toronto 118 Notre Dame St., Montreal 1319 Walnut St., Philadelphia India Bldg., 84 State St., Boston 1306 F St., N. W., Washington 219 St. Charles St., New Orleans 14 N. Dearborn St., Chicago Please mention Tue Marine Review when writing to Advertisers