72 OC HANAHAN THE MARINE REVIEW Cl wwwTwTwcwcT_ onc January, 1917 LAA AR Index to Advertisements —CUU0IUttUGCCZ OOOO li AAAS A J Ss Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. 65 Dixon, Joseph, Cruicible Co... 18 Johnston Brothers’........... 12 Safety Car Heating & Light- American Engineering Co.... 18 Donnelly, William T......... 62 ATI) COs ih. sisi eeta sie ae mesial 75 American Injector Co........ 17. Drein, Thos., & Son Company 59 K Schrader’s, A., Sons, Inc..... 69 American® ine? see so. 6 69 Durable Wire Rope Co....... 75 Seattle Construction & Dry American Manganese Bronze Kahnweiler’s, David, Sons.... 59 Dock: Company. 6. .es ee 10 COn eres Re ese ace 14 E Kidd, Joseph, & Son......... 62 Sheriffs Manufacturing Co.... 73 American Screw Propeller Co. 61 Kingsford Fdy. & Mch. Wks.. 65 Siggers & Siggers............ 70 American Ship Building Co.. 20 Kckliff Automatic Boiler Cir- 1G erates gin Opes Diner eRe tras Diner 58 Southern-Rome Company 57 Armstrong Mfg. Co.......... 75 BUlatGE CU) oy sks hence ca’ 16 Spencer & Spencer.........-- 58 Ashton Valve Company....... Go Electria Control, Cov....... 5% 57 LE Standard Bridge Tool Co..... 76 B Electro-Dynamic Company ... 70 St. Lawrence Marine Railway Lake Ere Boiler: Worke::... 70) ge we is oc Pe Bae: oe ebaecheat oe z Lake Erie Dry Dock & Mill 14 Stratford, Geo.,,Oakum Co... 63 Babcoc HCOx CO uss eee : Seneca cir Gees alot tefarehersc weeae 4 | nA Baltimore Dry Docks & Ship- i Pea) hana fC tea: = ae ee Co... a4 ibeae Iron Socks Couipens as eee tae ae 61 Fletcher, W. & A., Company. 17 Locomotive Superheater Co... 16 Superior Ship Building Co.... 8 Barton. Steam Trap Co....... 61 Fore River Ship Building Cor- Lorain Coal & Dock Co...... 74 Bath Iron Works, Ltd....... 13 ET og eae ce Ls T Bernstein: Mig, Co... ....)0.s 73 eS a ericig te eR Uaeeas ae og M Blackmer Rotary Pump Co.. 73 : : Boland & Cornelius.......... 60 G McArthur Portable Fire Es- Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. 10 Boston & Lockport Block Co. 72 2 CAP er CON tits ie Cees cers muro 75 Toledo Shipbuilding Company 9 Brauer, Justus & Son........ 59 General Electric Company.... 12 McNab Company ......-.... 16 Trout, H. G., Company....... 65 Buffalo Dry Dock Company.. 11 Gilchrist, Albert Jevvegevccees 58 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co... 13 Tuller Hotel ........+eeeeeee 63 é Goldschmidt Thermit Company 73 Milwaukee Dry DocksCos. 11 G Goulder, White & Garry...... 58 Moore & Scott Iron Works... 12 Griscom-Russell Co. ........- 61 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc. 59 U Carey Company ......--+2+%- £7:> UGtorie, GAMES. oiocn plese nse neree 62 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co. 70 Chase Machine Co........... 70 Chicago Ship Building Co.... 8 H N U. S. Metallic Packing Co... 63 Ne bien oe pelecne Me 9 an G Cie coe Ee 65 ollingwoo ipbuilding Co. all, Geo., Coa 0 . ; AMT an Cove an Gommercis! Boiler Works.... 65 Hanna, »» & Co......0e gy icholson Bh bok ee a Vv Continental Iron Works...... 2 Hartshorne, Insley & Leake.. 58 Co-Operative Ake emits H sa goa 8 Masten, Duncan & ‘ i Vance @ Joya Cote sii: 60 ory, Chas., ON ANC cea e's (rel CTS aipiecaeeae a ee emcees cee : r rants J. Fillmore, ’ Engrg. & Home Rubber Co............ 18 Peerless Ice Machine Co...... 57 Vanduzen, E. W., Company.. 61 Tube Bending Mach. Works 69 Hotel Tuller ..........2-+.50- 63 Penberthy Injector Co....... 76 Cummings Ship Instrument Hoyt, Dustin, Kelley, McKee- Pickands, Mather & Co...... 74 Ww DWE NGS oe aise icone Ghee o gnnteterns 76 Pe oc Te a aes | Poe CeO Sean cat ee - care te naman Sages eer utchinson Oise aie ees Se OP ie - Wager, Robert H..........:- 57 D i Reid, John & Company....... 62 Ward, Charles, Engineering © Richardson; W,. C., -&= Cov... 60 WOKS sie ies ee ees 14 Dake Engine’ Co... <....-5-.5 65 Independent Pneumatic Tool Ritchie. : Fis Ss. Ol SONS aes wes ie 72 Warren, Cady, Ladd & Hill.. 58 Davidson & Hudson.,.......- 58 Company < cisie cee cies ey anes Robinson, Roders Co......... 69 Waterbury Company ........ 15 Delany, By ih CO 6 ss cae 65 International Mercantile Ma- Rocky River Dry Dock Co... 13 Welin Marine Equipment Co.. 59 De Laval Steam Turbine Co.. 15 TING GOL seer cee eee we 6 rm 69;e Roelkeri oH Bice ccc ee one 63 Westinghouse Machine Co.... 3 Detroit Shipbuilding Company 6 Isherwood, J. IWeaiinidcedee se Vic ROSS eV alve® MipieCoss a jaan. 61 Williams, William E., Co..... 4 Boston @ Lockport Block Co. 124 Condor Street, East Boston, Mass. New York City Chicago San Francisco 33 South St. 413 Fort Dearborn Bldg _—‘110 Market St. * STAR BRAND x BLOCKS—PUMPS FERRALL’S HUB HOISTER The best rope saving coal or cargo hoisting block manufactured. Made for either manila or wire rope. Sheaves are fitted with star metaline bushings and side bearings, which keep the sheaves from heating. Fully comply with the Federal Inspection Law; save the cost of drill- ing and breakage of drills. The hole is rolled absolutely in the center. They inspect automatically at both ends, and the air admitted into the firebox through Hollow Stays greatly improves combustion. QUALITY AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED Write us for prices LOUDS Diaphragm Pumps FALLS HOLLOW STAYBOLT COMPANY CUYAHOGA FALLS, OHIO THE RITCHIE LIQUIDCOMPASS The Standard Liquid Compass the world over. Used Exclusively in U.S. Navy for over 40 years. Over 40,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12" dia. Magnets for Adjusting Purposes E. S. RITCHIE & SONS, Brookline, Mass., U.S. A. Liquid Compass Boat Compass in Binnacle Please mention THE MarRINE REvIEW: when writing to Advertisers