74 THE MARINE REVIEW January, 1917 ] For shipment via Great Lakes in CARGO LOTS or for Fueling Vessels. Write or ‘phone us for prices on best grades | of Domestic, Coking, Gas and Steam coals for prompt delivery. | . M.A.HANNA &Co. | : Sales Agents, Cleveland nn AM.J.V\)V\ Yj ' / i KK KKK UU ..t | Y; The Lorain Coal & Dock Co. General Offices: COLUMBUS, OHIO Producers and Shippers of ECLIPSE HOCKING AND CRESCENT PITTSBURGH COAL Docks and Fuel Lighter LORAIN, OHIO PICKANDS, MATHER & CO. aoe FUEL LIGHTERS at Buffalo, Erie, | Ashtabula, Cleveland. At Detour, Mich., a Fuel Dock equipped with shute capacity of 600 tons. Best quality _ Pittsburgh coal furnished at any time during day or night. ae WEA Ske ms OY Western Reserve Building ! | Capacity 500 Tons per hour CLEVELAND, Oo. Please mention THE MarRINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers