February, 1917 SAFEST J ‘ BAS Exposition. NG RITCHIE Compasses, Binnacles, and NAUTICAL Instruments SOLD IN ALL PARTS OF THE. WORLD Magnets for Adjusting Purposes. E.S. RITCHIE ¢& SONS NAVY STANDARD BROOKLINE - MASS. BINNACLE The Clothe! Company MANUFACTURERS OF Low Pressure REFRIGERATING MACHINES Marine Work a Specialty Office: 61 Broadway - NEW YORK, N. Y. The Allen Dense-Air Ice Machine contains no chemicals. It is placed in the engine room, while the ice-making box and meat rooms are at distant places of the steamer. Over two hundred in daily service in the tropics on men-of- war, steam yachts and mercantile steamers. i) 7 i} HN) Ky ie if Iron hil} , 4 a i) i i i ea HB. 41 Maiden Lane Designer and Manufac- 9 turer of Screw Propellers NEW YORK THE MARINE REVIEW Also adopted by METALLIC AND WOODEN LIFE BOATS METALLIC LIFE RAFT MARINE DRAGS LYLE GUNS WICKS’ PATENT RELEASING BLOCKS FOR LIFE BOATS DAVID KAHNWEILER’S SONS 260 FRONT ST., COR. DOVER ST. NEW YORK CITY Marine Equipments We supply pillows, mattresses and life pre- servers for all vessels. Marine superintend- - ents and_ purchasing agents will find it to their interest to write for complete particulars regarding feather pillows; also safety pillows, mattresses, life preservers and cushions filled with the ever-buoyant Ilanasilk. Over 300,000 pounds of Ilanasilk are used on vessels of the United States Government alone. Universal Safety Mattress Co., Inc., Dept. MR 31 Nassau St., New York City Snieitctomm eee ST. LAWRENCE MARINE RAILWAY COMPANY OGDENSBURG, N. Y. _ Carriage accommodates every ship of Welland Canal size. Fully equipped for repairs to Wood and Steel boats. BOILER AND MACHINE SHOP HIGH CLASS WORK ELECTRIC WHISTLE OPERATOR The simplicity of installation is one of the many advantages over all other electrically controlled Whistle Valves; saves time, material, weight, maintenance and cost. Eliminating instruments and ‘wiring in wheelhouse. Eliminating the use of Electric Motors for operating. Electric Control Co. 161 Washington St. NEW YORK Please mention THE MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers 107 Solid Block Cork Life Preservers a /] Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and full weight of Cork and Workmanship as required by U. S. Inspectors. CHEAPEST SOLID CORK LIFE PRESERVERS RING BUOYS AND FENDERS Approved and adopted by: U. S. Board of Supervising Inspectors. the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Awarded four Medals by World’s Columbian