February, 1917 The Oldman Boiler Works Boilers, Tanks, Stacks, Struc- tural Work and Castings Boiler Repairing Promptly Attended to Day or Night MARINE WORK A SPECIALTY Works: 36-40 Illinois Street - - ELECTRIC WELDING BUFFALO, N. Y. SPEEL TUBES. We make them in sizes 3" to 3" outside diameter; in gauges Nos. 20 to 14; for all naroons where high pressure is not used. Mail us your specifications. Information cheerfully given. AMERICAN TUBE Co., 3730 S. Rockwell St. ANDREW J. MORSE & SON, Inc, 221 High Street BOSTON, MASS. ESTABLISHED 1837 Diving Apparatus and Submarine Armor Fire Department Supplies The Morse Monitor Nozzle LIFE PRESERVERS Cork Cushions, Fenders, Cork Ring Buoys **Ye Oldest Cork House in America’’ ESTABLISHED 1865 JUSTUS BRAUER @ SON 129 Arch Street Incorporated Philadelphia, Pa. Manufacturers Chicago The Electric Rudder or Helm Angle Indicator Placed in pilot house or on bridge in front of quartermaster, allows him to observe the position of the rudder the same as he does the compass. Can be in- stalled on vessels with or without lighting plan. yor SER INDICA Pais | PATENTED Electro - Dynamic Company Bayonne, New Jersey, U.S. A PATENT TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS Senay Thirty years’ active practice. Experienced, ‘personal, con- scientious service. All business strictly confidential. SIGGERS & SIGGERS PATENT LAWYERS Suite 11, National Union Ins. Bldg., Washington, D. C. THE CHASE MACHINE CO. ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS Mooring Machines, Deck Winches, Steam Capstans, Etc., Etc. Address 2313 Elm St. N. W. Cleveland, Ohio REAL BARGAINS in used equipment are constantly being offered the readers of The Marine Review thru its classified columns and it will pay you to ‘ GET THE HABIT of referring to that section each month. TAKE A LOOK—NOW! You may find something of interest to 7 THE MARINE REVIEW 113 SPARE’S MANGANESE BRONZE PROPELLERS All sizes from 10 inches to 20 feet in Diameter Strong, Light, Tough, Thin-bladed Non-Corrosive 17 ft. in Diameter—Weight 18,000 lbs. UNEQUALED FOR LASTING QUALITIES AND EFFICIENCY American Manganese Bronze Company 3527 Rhawn Street HOLMESBURG, PHILADELPHIA BOLTS, NUTS, RIVETS P> nl 4 ‘Pp NATIONAL BOLT & NUT CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. DAILY 100 CAPACITY TONS Fore River Ship Building Corporation QUINCY, MASS. SHIPBUILDERS and ENGINEERS Machinists Galvanizers Yarrow Watertube Boilers Brass Founders Curtis Marine Turbines THE MULHOLLAND HATCH-FASTENER COMPANY Main 272 Marion Building, Cleveland, Ohio Cent. 1016 Manufacturers of the Mulholland Simplex and Security Hatch Fasteners. For Ocean and Lake Trade. OVER 225,000 SETS NOW IN USE ON THE GREAT LAKES LAKE ERIE BOILER WORKS BUFFALO, N. Y. BOILERS, TANKS and PLATE WORK OF ALL KINDS Please mention THE MARINE REvIEW when writing to Advertisers