February, 1917 THE MARINE REVIEW a In Case of a Fracture Like This Wire Our Nearest Office and the Re- pair Will be Executed Without Delay Broken Sternframe Aligned for Welding Speed in Repair Work Our Specialty @ The Goldschmidt Thermit Company is prepared to undertake at a moment’s notice the welding of sternposts, rudder frames, rudder stocks, crank shafts, and other heavy sections at any point in the United States and Canada, and can ship materials and furnish expert welders immediately on receipt of orders. G By utilizing Thermit there is no necessity of keeping a vessel in dry dock more than two or three days after our materials arrive on the ground. The saving in dockage alone will often amount to many times the cost of the Thermit weld. @ In order that the Goldschmidt Thermit Company may be in a position to estimate on the cost of any welding operation a blue print or sketch should be submitted giving full dimensions of the sections to be welded and show- j ‘ ing the exact location of the fracture. @ Numerous Thermit repairs have also been executed by the U. S. Navy and many of the U. S. Navy Yards are equipped for the purpose as well as several repair ships. @ The Isthmian Canal Commission uses Thermit extensively on the Panama Canal and have executed many important repairs on dredges, locomotives, rock crushers and centrifugal pump castings. a @ The Thermit Process was sanctioned for Marine Repairs after exhaustive tests by the British Corporation for the Registry and Survey of Shipping, Glasgow. ' @ Many repairs made by the Thermit Process are illustrated and described in our pamphlet No. 3440. A copy will interest you. bi ~GOLDSCHMIDT THERMIT COMPANY 120 Broadway NEW YORK "% 329-333 Folsom St., San Francisco 7300 So. Chicago Ave., Chicago 103 Richmond St., W., Toronto, Ont. Please mention Tue Marine Review when writing to Advertisers